Duty by Gabriel
Fanwork Notes
This is a part or snippet out of my Kingslayer Series.
A thank you to Dawn Felagund for extending the deadline for this challenge, several times and a special thank you to Alexander_Rae for his quick, helpful and last minute beta'ing. The "Prompt" for this story is a beautiful piece of art made by: Juhlat maalla (Party in the Countryside) I would like to dedicate this little snippet to a family member who passed away in the last week.
Fanwork Information
Summary: High King Gil-galad visits Eregion for rest and respite. Major Characters: Gil-galad, Original Male Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Alternate Universe, Drama, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Pride Rating: Teens Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 366 |
Posted on 14 July 2019 | Updated on 14 July 2019 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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