Lambë (tongue)
Thank you, Anérea, for the amazing inspiring twist on this prompt!
(Warning for unbearable cuteness. Drabble)
Kurn enjoyed the warg pens, especially during whelping. The brief sliver of tenderness when the pups were cleaned by their mother as they squirmed and fought for a nipple stirred a brief, long-forgotten memory of being suckled by her own mother.
There were some older pups in the next pen, learning to use their adult teeth on the soft meat thrown in. She picked one up by the scruff and it licked her face, tail wagging enthusiastically. There was no chance of keeping it, it was bound for the riders, but she feared what fate awaited the small, happy creature.
Chapter End Notes
Kurn is my OC Orc who has made a previous appearance in No Dreams In Darkness written for the 2022 challenge X Marks the Spot
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