Hyarmen (south)
Excerpts from a damaged journal, recovered from the wreckage of an Elven ship found far to the south. Determined to be one of the seven which Turgon asked Círdan to build to seek aid from the Valar.
(No warnings. In-universe artifact)
[previous pages missing or illegible]
-rgon, built by L[ord] Círdan of the Fala- [illegible] …rtnight west…rd. Ossë, be merciful to the Falathrim sailo-
-dawn did not come, storms pummel…[illegible] was lost overboa-
-ny days since [illegible] land. …[illegible] ship is in poor shape, but we persist- [illegible] -wind, ever the wind-
-give for a taste of fresh wat- [illegible] -ecall the journey over ice- [remainder of page missing, along with several following pages]
-outh. Elbere[th] Stars here look stran… All is cold and wh[i]te. …creatures… walk upright [illegible] half bird, half people. …ing their cacophony. [illegible] befriended one. Named them morhelf [scribe’s note: black coat.]
[partial, largely smudged sketch of a penguin]
[multiple pages missing or damaged beyond legibility]
…[illegible] now to Mand[os]
[no further text appears to remain]
Chapter End Notes
Thank you, Polutrope, for reviewing this chapter <3
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