Fanworks Tagged with Experimental

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Lacuna by AdmirableMonster

In the wake of his ravishing by Morgoth, Mairon, who was Arien, falls.

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The Fishes Advise Cirdan in the Matter of the Elven Rings by Himring

Adaptation of a concrete poem by Christian Morgenstern for the Dark Matter Challenge.

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No Last Stand by elennalore

An Orc is writing to their loved one in the War of Wrath.

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Dreams Fade at Dawn by Zdenka

Annatar sets off on a journey, challenging Celebrimbor to create something in his absence. Later, Celebrimbor uses the Ring of Air for the first time.

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"An Elopement With Life": The Spectacular Fading of Celebrían by Zara BalrogBalls

An Elopement with Life is a 9-part essay collection that intertwines literary fan/fiction with the nonfiction essay form, exploring the idea of a Celebrían who stays in Middle Earth. The fictional narrative follows a year in the life of Celebrían who, across conversations with various 'lost women' of the legendarium, makes the deliberate choice to not-sail to Valinor. The essays engage with historiography, investigative environmental journalism, and critical queer/disability theory to unpack how mythic and literary narratives shape our understanding of loss, resilience, and reclamation. 

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Changeling by Zara BalrogBalls

An epistolary series of unsent letters from Celeborn to Celebrían after her departure, chronicling the construction of a memorial garden in Lothlorien. 

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Seven Names by Anne Wolfe

Seven names a princess of Rohan and daughter of Helm Hammerhand might have borne, and the fates that accompany them.

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The Lost Poems of Beren by Archivist

The Lost Poems of Beren is a rare and mystical collection of long-forgotten poems, believed to be written by Beren himself during his timeless love affair with Lúthien Tinúviel. Discovered deep within the ruins of Eregion and painstakingly translated from the ancient Elvish tongue, these ethereal verses speak of longing, love, and the enchanted realms beneath the stars.

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Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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On the Second Singing by Lferion

Various thoughts and question about the end of the world, and what part the Elves might play. A drabble poem.

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In love that we are made by stormfallen

They say there are cities far to the East and South, for those who can find them, whose entire populations slowly forgot the need for flesh and faded into memory of routine, living in their empty homes and walking their empty streets even when those homes and streets are no more.

For thousands of years the City has awaited you.

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The setting of pyres by Angamaite

"...for none of the Eldalië ever hated Melkor more than Fëanor son of Finwë, who first named him Morgoth; and snared though he was in the webs of Melkor's malice against the Valar he held no converse with him and took no counsel from him."

Fëanor meets a stranger. There aren't many strangers in Tirion.

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Cocktail Party, Reprise by Lferion

The competition cocktail party was a regular event, and Fingon gradually learned to appreciate, if not always enjoy it.

A triple drabble, with images and recipes for 9 cocktails.

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Foreboding by chrissystriped

Círdan's ship arrives in Forochel to take Arvedui south.

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Caused Fire to be Set by Narya

Maglor, on Losgar, and what might have been.

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Himring by between_thepages

A visit to Himring, castle in the snow.


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Nenlindalë by Anérea

A love letter between Daeron and Maglor in the form of musical notation.

(Asemic music notation and song lyrics)

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Documents from Doriath in Rivendell's Library by UnicornsInSpace

Small pieces of the Silm told through documents from Doriath.

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Drabble Collection: Experimental Challenge by mairoff

11 Drabbles for the Experimental Challenge.

  • Melkor x Fluithuin
  • Maglor x Daeron
  • Mairon & Melian
  • Eönwë x Arien
  • Galadriel x Luthien
  • Mairon x Arien
  • Sons of Fëanor
  • Maedhros x Mairon
  • Fëanor & Nolofinwë
  • Maiar of Ulmo
  • Aulë & Tevildo

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Making Plans by StarSpray

A conversation between Tuor and Idril concerning their plans for escape from Gondolin.

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Say Not Farewell by cuarthol

“I thought I was stronger than a word, but I just discovered that having to say goodbye to you is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” – Colleen Hoover

For the prompt epistolary.

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Letter for you by daughterofshadows

Over the course of their friendship, Arador and Belladonna write many letters to each other.

Here are two of them.

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