Beneath the Sickle's Swing by Clodia

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Fanwork Notes

Disclaimer: I am not J.R.R. Tolkien, nor do I make anything from this but my own entertainment.

Fanwork Information


A collection of drabbles found in the ruins of Utumno during the years of Melkor's captivity, written for various [info]tolkien_weekly challenges.  I am greatly indebted to the ever-awesome [info]ignoblebard, who very generously nominated this series for MEFA 2011, thereby spurring me to get on with actually writing it. ♥

6.  After the Manner: Orcs, one drabble.


Major Characters: Erestor, Original Character(s), Thuringwethil

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, Horror


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 6 Word Count: 1, 366
Posted on 10 February 2011 Updated on 26 June 2011

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

Current challenge: Water.

Written for [info]tolkien_weekly's Water Challenge.


Written for [info]tolkien_weekly's Water Challenge.

Written for [info]tolkien_weekly's Hairdressing Challenge.

Written for [info]tolkien_weekly's Hairdressing Challenge.

Written for [info]tolkien_weekly's Hairdressing Challenge.

Comments on Beneath the Sickle's Swing

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Thanks so much!  To be honest, this sort of non-Tolkien-specific challenge is quite straightforward - but I skipped the one before it, which was a 'dangerous beasts' challenge: you'd think it might be easier, but working in dragons and wargs before they're meant to have been bred was more of a challenge than I was up for just then...

Thank you!  I am about to flood your inbox with replies, I think, so sorry for that - but thanks for all your lovely reviews!  They have cheered me remarkably.  ;) 

I have been having fun playing with a distinct change of tone from the usual stuff with this set.  At some point I realised I'd been spending too much time lately writing Elves being nostalgic and wistful, so thought I'd try the same thing with a different group of characters.  So this descent into a dark, horrible place...

Thank you so much!  That combination of a challenge and a blessing was really what I wanted here - I'm so glad it came across.  And so glad you've enjoyed the set!  I do appreciate it and am definitely spurred to get on with it as soon as I can (you are an awesome cheerleader, really! <3).