January Challenge: Jubilee
In celebration of our twentieth birthday year, create for any of our past challenges and earn stamps that you missed!
Merry knows an awful lot about the old forest
Merry is very young
The forest misses being that young
Quirky Tom is stumped in his investigation; his partner delivers the goods. (Deliberately misleading summary inspired by the challenge prompts! See Story Notes for more reliable information.)
Goldberry is the River-daughter.
A brief interlude in the life of a fox with a job to do.
Time is old in the forest, and weary, but it is not yet winter when Goldberry sees her first. She has braved the Withywindle even this late in the year, barefoot in the water, and her feet are tinged with blue nearly to match the brooch that rests at her throat.
Or; Goldberry meets the woman who wore the blue-jewelled brooch from the Barrow-Downs. Four Second Age autumns lived, and one yet to come.
Goldberry has a song for each season.
Celebrían takes Elrond to meet her friend the Riverdaughter, who has news for him about someone he thought lost.
Goldberry has a song for each season.
"River-daughter!" Indis appeared from between some tents. She was dressed for hunting, with her hair coiled around her head in thick braids, and with a spear on her shoulder. Usually her hair and clothes were adorned with beads of wood and clay that clicked together in rhythm with her steps, but now she moved silently, quiet as the owl that the River-daughter had greeted earlier.
Indis was, however, much lovelier than any owl. "Are you leaving?" the River-daughter asked her.
The world begins with starlight and clear water. The River-daughter opens her eyes to see the stars as shimmering streaks blurring together. It is such a delightful sight that she reaches for them, and gasps when her hand breaks out of the water into cool air.
The River-daughter, from her awakening to the sun's first rising.
Vanimórë, son of Sauron, was born in the shadows of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. A plaything, a slave, a warrior, he was bound to his father\'s mind, and tempered as a weapon of the Dark over thousands of years.
They forged better than they knew.
Trained in the pits of Angband, Vanimórë could command armies, kill without conscience, and he could hate those he served. But he would not break for them. The blood of the Eldar ran strong in him. His path was inextricably linked to some of the most famed and tragic of the Elves, and lead to a destiny he could never have imagined.
The Darkness –
– has its own Light.
Stories about my version of the Lady of the Blue Brooch.
Roverandom is left behind and bored when his boy goes off on holiday, but then a strange magical musician comes through town...
Elanor Gamgee meets a mysterious figure from Mr Frodo's Red Book; Arwen is just enjoying hearing her grandmother tell stories again.
Second Age 595. The river-daughter visits Maglor son of Fëanor, and brings a gift that unlocks songs and thought.
S.A. 583. The one where Maglor dares to hope again, and the river-daughter leaves her nest. Featuring: Ossë, Uinen, the Baranduin, the Men of the Minhiriath, and Eriador Avari.
Or, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, before they became Tom Bombadil and Goldberry.
Then, all of a sudden, it began to rain—a gentle but steady rain, cool but not cold, that washed away the mists and dripped like gentle tears down their faces. Another voice wound through the hills and barrows around them, wordless, but young and ancient as spring, and warm, and welcoming.
Nellas takes a break in the Old Forest.
(you sleep in the light / yet the night and the silent water / still so dark): Here there is gold, here there is light. Silver light that sparks off her mother's ring, pale blue light that shimmers around Goldberry as she kisses Celebrían in the river over and over again. And if the shadows those lights cast aren't exactly where they ought to be, at least they can't consume the forest.
At Nienor's request, the women of Brethil share stories and songs about Haleth, the river's daughter, and those they loved. (Goldberry/Haleth, Goldberry/Nellas, Haleth/OFC)
Nellas meets the River-daughter.
There are strange things dwelling in the forests of Eriador
It's the beginning of a new Age, and now that the world is (relatively) safe, Eluréd and Elurín want to see everything. Starting with the Misty Mountains.
Aredhel escapes from Nan Dungortheb and is aided by a daughter of the river.