Fanworks in "Series: Balar fics"

Footsteps in Time by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
Celeborn and Galadriel, the early years: from Doriath to Balar.
MEFA 2008 Races: Elves: General: Third Place

To Be a King by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
The watch fire is lit.
MEFA 2008 Races: Elves: General: Honorable Mention

Circle of Silver by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
Gil-galad is told of the destruction of Gondolin.
MEFA 2008 Races: Elves: House of Finwe: Third Place

Season of Hope by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
Midwinter in Sirion, a young king and a traumatized child: Gil-galad offers Elwing a new way of looking at Yule.
MEFA 2011: Second Place: Character study, House of Finwe

The Tapestry by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
Yule on Balar in F.A. 515, or how a little Noldor pragmatism changed the fate of the world.

Elwing's Balrog by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
When 12 year old Elwing, the fey, half-elven grandchild of Beren and Lúthien, realises that she might age and die like a mortal, she goes to the person she trusts most for advice and incidentally discovers a new aspect of her heritage.
Both parties in this unlikely friendship = written with love.

Something Back by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
Because life is full of unlikely surprises, Market day on the island of Balar brings a few unexpected guests.

The Night the Sea Came In by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
After Beleriand is broken and drowned in the wreck of the War of Wrath, the survivors on Balar set out on a desperate voyage in search of a safe haven.

The Second Gamble by Keiliss
Warnings: No warnings apply
Fate, Ulmo's goodwill, and a family history of stubborn determination bring Idril to a reunion she had never thought possible.