The Night the Sea Came In by Keiliss

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Fanwork Notes

Written for My Slashy Valentine 2012. I was asked for Gil-galad/Lindir, which was a pairing that had never occurred to me but I wrote them, promising myself I'd go back and edit Lindir into the role of 'just a friend' later if Jane didn't mind. Somewhere along the line, Lindir grew on me, so he's pretty much here to stay. He's got quite good at that - snuck into Burning Bright when my back was turned, too. 

I loved working on this fic. It wasn't quite like anything I'd done before, but it was a stretch that felt good all the way.

Fanwork Information


After Beleriand is broken and drowned in the wreck of the War of Wrath, the survivors on Balar set out on a desperate voyage in search of a safe haven.

Major Characters: Celeborn, Elrond, Elros, Erestor, Galadriel, Gil-galad, Gildor, Lindir

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance


Rating: Teens


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 10, 060
Posted on 14 March 2012 Updated on 14 March 2012

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on The Night the Sea Came In

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.

So good to see this posted here so that I can now tell you "officially" how much I like it. It's so much characterized by the more low-key heroics of survival--if that way of putting it makes sense? But of course the danger is anything but low-key and impressively described! And it is very much an ensemble piece--everyone working together to survive and getting their share of loving attention from you.

I also like how you've expanded the end with a bit more detail of the later life in Lindon--it feels very satisfying!

Ooh, you originally saw it before I posted the end piece? :D  I had it outlined but needed sleep before fleshing it out. (I posted as Red revealed the stories, I really was that close to the deadline, lol)

*low key heroics of survival* Yes, that's it precisely. People in a dire situation doing their best. I knew it should be a 'couple' story and had I not known the recipient well I might have tried to keep the Gil/Lindir relationship more centre stage, but it would have felt artificial, so it was a relief to just write it as I saw it. I'm so glad you liked the end result, that means a lot to me. Thank you :)

I had a great time writing this, trying to imagine how it would have seemed from the pov of elves on the very edge of the main action. I'd also never thought about the effect of drowning that huge landmass - never even realised how much went under the waves till I came across a map while I was researching for the story. I'm delighted you enjoyed it and that the descriptions worked for you - that's a great compliment. Thank you so much for making time to review.


I am almost completely certain I have already given you feedback on this, if I haven't I certainly intended to. The breaking of beleriad was such a huge thing and I love how you caught the horror and sheer wrongness of the event, the callousness behind all those lost lives, lost land, lost histories... It was a horrific event and you captured it so well from that small group of elves that experienced it together.

I don't remember if you commented on this anywhere - I think it's on lj and AO3, or possibly the old Slashy Santa archive, but it is so incredibly cool to get another review for it. I have always loved this fic, had so much pleasure in writing it, but it kind of sits between worlds, too first age for the second and third age readers, too second age for the first age fans and so it's tended to get overlooked. I was smiling so much when I read this. That was the heart of it yes, the lives, whole cultures gone, breeds of animal never seen again, all for an objective that rendered them expendible. Thank you so very much, sweetie!