Smith’s Faery by Independence1776

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Fanwork Notes

I created this for Narya's Hidden Paths fest celebrating Tolkien's smaller fandoms.

Fanwork Information


A moodboard inspired by Faery.

Canon Source: Smith of Wootton Major

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure

Type: Moodboard/Collage


Rating: General


Posted on 26 February 2023 Updated on 26 February 2023

Smith's Faery

Photo inspirations:

  1. “[Smith] stood beside the Sea of Windless Storm where the blue waves like snow-clad hills rolled out of the Unlight to the long strand bearing the white ships that return from battles on the Dark Marches of which men know nothing.”
  2. A slice of Cake from the Children’s Twenty-four Feast.
  3. “Far off there was a great hill of shadow, and out of that shadow, which was its root, he saw the King’s Tree springing up, tower upon tower, into the sky, and its light was like the sun at noon; and it bore at once leaves and flowers and fruits uncounted, and not one was the same as any other that grew on the Tree.”
  4. “At last he found a road through the Outer Mountains, and he went on till he came to the Inner Mountains, and they were high and sheer and daunting.”
  5. “Then suddenly [the ring of female dancers] stood still, and a young maiden with flowing hair and kilted skirt came out to meet him.”
  6. “On one such journey through the Outer Mountains he came to a deep dale among them, and at its bottom lay a lake, calm and unruffled though a breeze stirred the woods that surrounded it. In that dale the light was like a red sunset, but the light came up from the lake.”
Six-photo moodboard: white-capped ocean waves; a slice of yellow cake on a white plate; a tree silhouetted by the sun; sheer mountains in the distance and a creek in the foreground; a woman dancing in a field; and a lake colored red by the sunset.

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