Thirteen by Dawn Felagund

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Fanwork Notes

SWG, what can I say? We have a kind of parent-child thing going on except that you were the Athena to my Zeus and sprang out of my head one insomniac night.

I had no idea what I was doing; I had no notion that what I made based on that idea that night would still be going strong 13 years later. Had I known, I probably would have chickened out.

I'm so glad I didn't know.

I am eternally grateful to the many people who have built and supported this group over the years--who really are who I'm talking to when I speak to "the SWG"--for their inspiration, their support, and most of all, their friendship. My life has changed for the better because of this idea I had one insomniac night, and I feel so lucky because of it. These drabbles are dedicated to all of you, with my heartfelt thanks.

Fanwork Information


This is a collection of drabbles (exactly 100 words) written for the instradrabbling session for the SWG's 13th birthday. See individual chapter summaries under the Table of Contents for summaries and any warnings.

Major Characters: Ancalagon, Andreth, Celegorm, Curufin, Fëanor, Maedhros, Nerdanel, Original Female Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Crossover, Fixed-Length Ficlet


Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 9 Word Count: 886
Posted on 2 August 2018 Updated on 2 August 2018

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

Terentaulë, the wife of Curufin, didn't always intend to stay in Aman. Prompt: good, love, strength, accomplish

Nerdanel at the Darkening. Prompt: amber, space, shatter, comfort

Maedhros discovers Elured and Elurin ... sort of. Prompt: cold, sounds, bush, store

The Geats remember that, after the War of Wrath, Angband's depths were too dark to delve. Beowulf/Silmarillion crossover (but you don't need to know Beowulf to follow).

Fëanor makes the Silmarils. Prompt: responsibilities, assemble, substance, fluid

Finrod does not know everything: Andreth on the pain of mortality and the migration north. Prompt: disappointment, illusion, cycle, south

Melian enchants Elwë. Prompt: leaf-fringed, descended, moonit, perplexed (Note that she refers to him as a boy only because, from her perspective, he is. Both characters are in fact adults.)

In the Felakverse, there is an episode, alluded to but never actually written, where Nerdanel sculpts Fëanor nude before they are married. Adult. Prompt: silks, tremble, courage, answer

Nelyo discovers something unexpected in Tyelkormo's room. Prompt: towels, humming, travels, harmless

Comments on Thirteen

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I have 13 years of practice! :D I don't drabble much anymore, but when I started in fandom, drabbling was the Cool Thing, and I used to instadrabble pretty frequently with my friends.

It's a tough and pretty merciless form! Usually I cave at least once and say, "This one will be a double-drabble!" so I'm proud of myself that I didn't do that at all this time. ^_^

I wondered how you thought this happened.

I love that little dig in the first lines.

He cannot, in truth, claim otherwise (though he may well try. Probably, he will try.)

She might be surprised and find he will not. That's a plot bunny for me.

I don't know, in terms of the Felakverse, how I think it happened yet; I'll get there eventually! I wrote this drabble on Thursday, the night after I wrote a different version of Terentaule staying behind in my TRSB story. (These instadrabbles are a way to play with ideas I'd probably never actually consider--part of what's fun about them! :)

Me too! I totally believe him when he says he would die if they were broken. He's a bit old at that point in the story to be engaging in adolescent dramatics (which is otherwise what it sounds like; "If I can't have them I'll just DIE" *flounce*). I don't know that this is *exactly* how I imagine it going down, but with 100 words to work with, it gets to the point!

This is a scene I've had in mind for well over a decade by now; I even alluded to it somewhere (maybe AMC?) but this is my first time writing it. It was the only addition to the NSFW channel and people wanted more of it ... if I ever get to write the AMC prequel (I will!), it will be in there. :D

Thanks for reading and comment on all of these. <3

I'm sorry I could not make the leap to be able to understand this one. I need things spelled out. It did entertain me. Reminded me of the Dorothy Parker poem by the same name and how it could be suitable for Andreth:

This I say, and this I know:
Love has seen the last of me.
Love's a trodden lane to woe,
Love's a path to misery.

This I know, and knew before,
This I tell you, of my years:
Hide your heart, and lock your door.
Hell's afloat in lovers' tears.

Give your heart, and toss and moan;
What a pretty fool you look!
I am sage, who sit alone;
Here's my wool, and here's my book.

Look! A lad's a-waiting there,
Tall he is and bold, and gay.
What the devil do I care
What I know, and what I say?

Dorothy Parker


Basically it is Andreth lamenting what we mere mortals complain about all the time: that history repeats itself and those in power don't look back to the past for lessons. There is a cycle of hope followed by disappointment and despair. They migrated north in hopes of breaking the pattern and beginning anew, which is ironically more of the same in hoping that the past pattern won't hold true ...

It's a pretty dark and gloomy one ... (Also I know "Anthrabeth" is not your favorite text.)

Poor Maedhros- how he disintegrates in grief, and this made me think of AMC (partly because I am re-reading it AGAIN:) and how loving he is, how they all waited for him to be a father because he was born to be just that. The fact that Tolkien has him search tells us that he was not lost, and although it is Maglor who persuades him (apparently) to take Elrond and Elros, all of this suggests he would never haveleft children alone in that place or this. Lovely writing- senseof ghosts without revealing it.

the retching Light that poured in fluid past my lips, dry and cold and bright and burning, leaving me complete, leaving me hollow.

The moment of his changing -where he loses everything else hecared for. You express this perfectly with the contrast between all that he ignores tocomplete the work and never recovers.

This is just lovely- I have never really felt anything for these two, being sucked into the Maedhros story and so HATING them for denying him- but this just is like a picture, so perfectly have you chosen the images and phrases. I wish I could paint this as a fic-gift  but it would be an insult:) stick Elu and Melian probably not doing you justice!!