Thirteen by Dawn Felagund

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Melian enchants Elwë. Prompt: leaf-fringed, descended, moonit, perplexed (Note that she refers to him as a boy only because, from her perspective, he is. Both characters are in fact adults.)

Melian descended into a kiss. The Elven boy-king was perplexed, the familiar stars that marked north obscured by leaves. His crown of wilted, golden leaves sat awry on his hair. His fingers swiped the air, uncertain if he should—if he could—touch her.

But she centered him. She felt it happen: his feä tottering, then upright, the hand that caressed her cheek suddenly sure and strong.

The stars in those days were so bright that the forest glowed as though moonlit. Leaf-fringed shadows whelmed then ebbed from starlight. The stars turned overhead, unseen, as though time itself had ended.

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