Thirteen by Dawn Felagund

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In the Felakverse, there is an episode, alluded to but never actually written, where Nerdanel sculpts Fëanor nude before they are married. Adult. Prompt: silks, tremble, courage, answer

It was a hot day and he came to her workshop in silks. Her request had been audacious; his answer—the slither of his clothing from his bare body beneath—was brazen.

A bead of sweat crawled down Nerdanel’s spine. She prayed for the courage to raise her eyes.

She clenched then stretched her fingers wide so they wouldn’t tremble as she placed chisel to stone. She dared to look. Laurelin gilded him.

The shape of him, beneath her hand, in marble … were she to touch him--him--he would be pliant, warm. Their eyes met: searching, pleading, inviting.

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