13th Birthday Instadrabbling
Series compiled by Dawn Felagund
The SWG turned 13 and was allowed to get social media and all kinds of creative madness broke loose as we gathered and instadrabbled in honor of 13 years of fandom, fiction, and of course, great friends. This collection includes drabbles, ficlets, and other flash fanworks produced for our 13th birthday.
- Series Information
The SWG turned 13 and was allowed to get social media and all kinds of creative madness broke loose as we gathered and instadrabbled in honor of 13 years of fandom, fiction, and of course, great friends. This collection includes drabbles, ficlets, and other flash fanworks produced for our 13th birthday.
Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet
Fanworks in "13th Birthday Instadrabbling"

13th birthday insta-drabbles! by RaisingCaiin
Warnings: No warnings apply
insta-drabbles written for prompts posted on SWG Discord!

Taking Readings II by Himring
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Anthology for short pieces that don't fit anywhere else.
Now added: "Something for Nothing" (Ecthelion, Egalmoth)

Thirteen by Dawn Felagund
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
This is a collection of drabbles (exactly 100 words) written for the instradrabbling session for the SWG's 13th birthday. See individual chapter summaries under the Table of Contents for summaries and any warnings.

With Him For A While by Independence1776
Warnings: No warnings apply
At the end of the First Age, Elrond chooses to wander with Maglor.