They Went in Haste by Dawn Felagund
Fanwork Notes
From time to time, we get together on the SWG Discord and instradrabble: write impromptu short-shorts using a four-word prompt. I am collecting my drabbles here: each exactly 100 words.
Fanwork Information
Summary: A collection of drabbles written for instadrabbling sessions on the SWG Discord. Major Characters: Caranthir, Celegorm, Daeron, Fëanor, Fingon, Maedhros, Pengolodh, Voronwë Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 9 | Word Count: 887 |
Posted on 18 November 2018 | Updated on 18 November 2018 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Prompt: borne, fled, forest, strong
Celegorm ruins a project in his father's forge and flees to the forest.
Prompt: fragrant, bustle, refuse, hasten
Carnistir doesn't get ready for a dance with his future wife Taryindë.
Prompt: heart, stroke, encounter, fire
Fëanor makes the first Silmaril.
(The last instadrabbling session, I tackled this same topic, earlier in the sequence but very different in tone: Fëa. I am considering that I should do a Feanor-makes-the-Silmarils every time I instadrabble! XD)
Prompt: clash, wind, rough, dim
Voronwë and his crew almost reached Valinor.
Prompt: bleak, snow, scurry, breath
Fingon visits Maedhros during the first snowstorm after the Battle of Sudden Flame. Implied Maedhros/Fingon.
Prompt: star, martyr, box, sunset
Maedhros remembers his last interaction with his brothers before his captivity.
Prompt: binomial, chocolate, world, tree
Pengolodh sneaks off to hear Daeron speak of how he won the Cirth. With a nod to one of my favorite tales from Norse mythology.
Prompt: river, book, scar, hollow
Maedhros mourns the effects of centuries of war. Implied Maedhros/Fingon.
Prompt: seedling, last, rekindle, shadow
For Anairë, after the Darkening, much has changed, yet some things remain the same.
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