They Went in Haste by Dawn Felagund

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Prompt: fragrant, bustle, refuse, hasten

Carnistir doesn't get ready for a dance with his future wife Taryindë.

Carnistir sat, pointedly not participating in bustling commotion of his brother and cousins readying for the dance. Nerdanel insisted that Carnistir go because Taryindë was visiting and needed an escort.

(Of course. When he’d last seen her, there’d been browned blood on her face from the rabbit she’d skinned for the hideous fur cloak she was making.)

Tyelkormo dabbed on some reeking perfume, proclaiming to a giggling Aikanáro that “maids would melt into his arms.”

Carnistir sniffed and refused the bottle when proffered.

But when they departed in a fragrant clamor, hastened to touch just a finger to the stopper.

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