Natural History of Middle-earth: A Tour by Himring

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Fanwork Notes

These pieces came out of the Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth Image Instadrabbling session on the SWG Discord.
The majority of the image prompts were from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (links go to flickr).

Fanwork Information


Drabbles inspired by natural history prompts, from the Years of the Trees to the Fourth Age, from Valinor to Far Harad.

Featuring Indis and Miriel, Ilmare and Varda, Earendil and his mariners, Aragorn and the past, and Beruthiel and her white cat.

Major Characters: Aerandir, Aragorn, Berúthiel, Erellont, Eärendil, Falathar, Ilmarë, Indis, Míriel Serindë, Varda

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth, New Year's Resolution

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 5 Word Count: 498
Posted on 30 January 2021 Updated on 6 February 2021

This fanwork is complete.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

Valinor, Years of the Trees

Characters; Indis and Miriel


For a series of image prompts, including a print showing seven cedar waxwings (link: The birds of California)

Aman, Darkening of Valinor
Characters: Ilmare and Varda


The image prompt showed the Northern Lights, after art by M. Raebel (link: Northern Lights)

Vingilot, Late First Age

Characters: Earendil and the three mariners who accompanied him on his last voyage: Erellont, Falathar, Aerandir


The image prompt showed several examples of the Portuguese Man of War, a kind of jellyfish, also known as bluebottle. (link: The Portugese Man of War)


Eriador, Lake Evendim, Fourth Age

Character: Aragorn


The image prompt was a photo by bunn of a place called New Quay. It showed weathered and overgrown bits of masonry amid very green grass and trees on low hills nearby. 

South of Umbar, Third Age

Characters: Beruthiel and one of her cats


The image prompt showed the Bommi Fish, also called mudskipper. (link: The Bommi Fish)

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