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Member since 9 February 2011.

About Me

I have been a Lord of the Rings fan since 1967, when I was 15 years old. I have read the books countless times over the years, and began writing fanfic in 2004. I've written many stories, nearly all of them hobbit-centric; in addition I am a co-mod of the LOTR_GFIC community and of Many Paths to Tread and of [info]shire_kitchen and mod of [info]lotr_crafts . In my personal life, I've been married since 1976, and have one adult son. LOTR and fanfic are my main hobby, but I have several other hobbies as well: calligraphy, cooking, needlework of all kinds, sewing, decorative painting and polymer clay are all other creative outlets for me.

Fanworks by Dreamflower

This is a Writing fanworkLabadal and Túrin by Dreamflower

A series of drabbles about the child Túrin, and his friend the lame woodwright, Sador Labadal. I have long been fascinated by their friendship. Why would a noble child's best friend be a crippled servant?

Major Characters: Sador Labadal, Túrin
Major Relationships:
Genres: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges:
Rating: General Warnings:
Chapters: 5 Word Count: 523
Posted on 9 February 2011 Updated on 15 February 2011
This fanwork is complete.
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Co-Created Fanworks

This is a Writing fanworkThe Prisoner and the Hobbit by pandemonium_213, Dreamflower

A prisoner in the Halls of Mandos, although grateful to be alive, nonetheless finds his days to be monotonous, that is, until a most unusual person, and one whose life was affected greatly by the prisoner's masterwork, accepts an offer to begin a correspondence.     


Major Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Sauron
Major Relationships:
Genres: Drama, Humor Challenges:
Teens Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes
Chapters: 9 Word Count: 62, 072
Posted on 22 October 2011 Updated on 30 January 2025
This fanwork is a work in progress.
Table of Contents and Single Chapters | Show All Chapters
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