The Prisoner and the Hobbit by pandemonium_213, Dreamflower
Fanwork Notes
There are very few nooks and crannies of Tolkien fan fiction that I haven't explored during the four years since I discovered the milieu. I'd also like to think I am an expansive reader, enjoying stories from diverse genres that range from gen fic to adult-rated slash, but I have been known to quip that whilst exploring those works that focus on the denizens of the Shire, I often feel like Sauron at a hobbit picnic.
Dreamflower is one of my very favorite writers of hobbits. I love her interpretations of the Shire folk, and her vision of Bilbo especially enchants me. Mr. Bilbo Baggins has also captured the attention of my Dark Muse, who, like his earlier incarnation as Tevildo, is as curious as a cat. I have often wondered what a conversation between these two monumental characters would be like.
Knowing that Dreamflower captures Bilbo's voice so well, I cast some shiny bait her way. I was delighted that she took it, for treading in the Pandë!verse is not an altogether comfortable exercise. This epistolary is the result.
~~ pandemonium_213, 28 August 2011
Addendum, 22 October 2011: Real life has delayed posting this here, although the story is on the SWG's sister site, Many Paths to Tread. Because the epistolary draws from both The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion (not to mention The History of Middle-earth, The Letters of JRR Tolkien, etc.), it seems fitting to add it to my compendium here on the SWG.
Familiarity with Dreamflower's stories (she refers to these in the author's notes) and the alternative history* that is Pandë!verse will be helpful to the reader.
*A term I prefer to "alternate universe." For one thing, alternative is grammatically correct ;^) and I'd like to think that despite my extrapolation from canon, my tertiary world of Tolkien's secondary world is still recognizable as the same "universe."
Fanwork Information
Summary: A prisoner in the Halls of Mandos, although grateful to be alive, nonetheless finds his days to be monotonous, that is, until a most unusual person, and one whose life was affected greatly by the prisoner's masterwork, accepts an offer to begin a correspondence.
Major Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Sauron Major Relationships: Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Expletive Language, Mature Themes |
Chapters: 9 | Word Count: 62, 072 |
Posted on 22 October 2011 | Updated on 30 January 2025 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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It has been a while, but Dreamflower and I offer this chapter in time for 21 September, the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit and 22 September, World Hobbit Day, otherwise known as Bilbo and Frodo Baggins' birthday!
Yes, this chapter is not overtly Silm-fic, but...there is an allusion to The Silm at least, thanks to Finrod!
Edited to add F. Baggins and to correct a horridly egregious grammatical error. *hangs head in shame*
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