Discrete Elements by pandemonium_213

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


A catch-all for short ficlets, largely centering on yet another OFC in the Pandë!verse, namely Culinen (referenced in various fics, including The Elendilmir and The Writhen Pool), who eventually becomes the master of the Guild of the Heart (healers' guild) in Ost-in-Edhil, and who contributes to the "eldritch alleles" of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Hypatia of Alexandria, and Hedy Lamarr (among others!) in the alternative history of the Pandë!verse.

Ratings will be given per chapter.

Major Characters: Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:



Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 659
Posted on 3 January 2016 Updated on 3 January 2016

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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A birthday fic for Oshun, April 2015.  Many thanks to Elleth for allowing me to borrow her master healer, Estëlindë.  Inspired by Ramin Djawadi's magnificent The King's Arrival from the Game of Thrones, Season 1 soundtrack and by one of my favorite scenes in GoT Season 1.

Comments on Discrete Elements

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This is a terrific story. Really atmospheric and it really does go well with the music that helped inspire it. I am so pleased that you finally decided to post it in a public place. I am thrilled, of course, that it was originally dedicated to me!!! Wow! Lucky me!

Backstory supercedes everything for me when planning my own stories and I love to read others' backstory. This is a wonderful introduction to your OFC Culinen, who plays the most important role as the mother of Mélamírë. (Anyone who does not know who either of these people are have a wonderful world to look forward to in your story!verse and should not delay to jump in.)

I love the picture of Fingolfin and Fingon arriving in state with a large entourage at Himring--it's so filmic! I weanted to illustrate it, but I haven't the skills! But I took a shot anyway!


king and prince arrival.jpg


My favorite lines and image is:

They watched Uncle Maedhros step forward as the King dismounted, followed by the Prince. Her uncle bowed his head, just a little, then clasped the King's arm with his single hand. The Prince waited before he approached Maedhros. They greeted one another formally, but it was easy to see all the cares that etched Maedhros' face fall away as soon as the Prince smiled, and he did have a wonderful smile. Then the two men embraced, slapping one another on the back heartily.

Oh, wow!  Thanks so much!  First, let me say that I LOVE the banner!  This fic, or the seeds of it, germinated when "The King's Arrival" would play via my iPod as I drove into work.  You mention filmic, and yes, these images formed in my old brain before I set words to digital paper.

<i> I love the picture of Fingolfin and Fingon arriving in state with a large entourage at Himring</i>

Would they arrive any other way?  At least during better times. :^)

<i>My favorite lines and image is:</i>

Be assured this is greatly inspired by your portrayal of Maitimo and Findekáno. :^)

Thanks again!

Oh good!

I've always wanted to know more about Culinen's backstory! And this is a really nice slife-of-life piece, with lots of vivid detail.

Good to meet Mornilin but, oh dear, I have a bad feeling about his probable life span. Not sure whether that's just Silm-ishness or the additional flavour of the GoT connection?