Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
A sequel to Flame of the Desert.
On a hot summer afternoon, Glorfindel visits Elrond at his estate in Kortirion Province of Tol Eressëa. Elrond's longtime friend brings word from Gilfanon: invitations to a party in celebration of the blooming of one of Gilfanon's favorite roses; the Vanyarin ambassador and his retinue have been invited as special guests. Gilfanon also sends peculiar garments that he has specifically instructed Elrond and Glorfindel to wear. Elrond is wary. He remembers all too well that escapade with Gilfanon in the desert of Valinor, but his inner imp of adventure inspires him, and Elrond experiences a night to remember.
Cameo appearances by Erestor and Mablung.
A bit risqué, a little bawdy, so let's rate this Teen/PG13.
Now complete! And illustrated! Thanks a million-fold to Robinka (see Chapter 2) and Elf of Cave (see Chapter 6).
MEFA 2011 Winner. First Place, Humor, General
After a celebration in Tavrobel at the famous House of a Hundred Chimneys, Gilfanon, one of the oldest of the Elves, proposes that he, Glorfindel and Elrond journey to the fabled Rock of Omar in the middle of the great desert of Valinor, where it is said that the Rock sings the echoes of the Ainulindalë and of lost life and love. Glorfindel procures a fabulous coach with most unusual beasts to draw it, and so the three fellows set off for an adventure in the desert where they meet Teleri who have embraced the desert and encounter a cagey Vanyarin ascetic who guides them to the Rock of Omar.
MEFA 2010 Winner: First Place; Genres: Adventure: General
A character appearing only in The Book of Lost Tales, Gilfanon nonetheless survives later in the legendarium in the character of Pengolodh.