Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Earendil comes home to Elwing's Tower in Aewellond (the Bird-haven) to rest from his labors, and finds her just beginning hers. She's been...nesting in his absence.
He hadn't counted on Elwing's bird-skinchanging affecting her like this...
I would like to share my revelations of Tolkien's Universe in the form of narrative and emotional poems.
All of my stories about the Valar and the Maiar. Most of them derived from Chasing Mirages.
Ratings and warning for individual stories vary, please check.
Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. But it was not the will of Ilúvatar that like should always cleave to like. // A story of Nienna and Nessa before the Trees.
Melkor came to Arda to hurt it. Tulkas came to Arda to hurt Melkor. What the fighter of the Valar didn't know, is that his enemy would turn more dangerous once defeated.
Short tales that should have remained untold.
Various one-shots about the Valar and Maiar. Most are very short and come from requests on my tumblr.
The Silm you read when you are not really reading the Silm. Everything you wanted to know without all the boring bits.
A short poem and among the very first things I've ever written Tolkien-related. It isn't much, but I hope you enjoy it.
Based on the original speculations and in-universe prophecies regarding the Dagor Dagorath, the Battle of All Battles.
Melkor is brought to trial before the Máhanaxar and found guilty, sentenced to three ages of imprisonment and four ages of servitude. When he is unchained in Aman, the Vala finds the world full of strange new inventions...
One day during the Noontide of the Blessed Realm, Manwë and Varda get ready for a celebration at Ilmarin, their halls upon the peak of Taniquetil.
Written for B2MeM 2011, Day 31: Valinor.
2nd Place, Humour: General & Smaug's Treasure, MEFA 2011
Regarding the siege of Utumno by Valinor, as seen from various characters’ viewpoints.
(Very well. As seen mostly from the dark vantage. It’s me we’re talking about here..)
Assembled responses to Tolkien Weekly’s “Natural Disasters” drabble challenge (Apr-May 2012).
Tulkas evolved from Tolkien's early work on the Silmarillion from a playful, youthful character to a character more associated with unapologetic violence.
Why does Tulkas laugh, and is he the only Vala who does? A response for HASA Nazgul of the Month for May - Heroes and Demons.
One day during the Noontide of the Blessed Realm, Manwë and Varda get ready for a celebration at Ilmarin, their halls upon the peak of Taniquetil.
Written for B2MeM 2011, Day 31: Valinor.
2nd Place, Humour: General & Smaug's Treasure, MEFA 2011
Dawn Felagund recorded a fabulous podfic for Spring Cleaning, listen to it here!
Someone was cheeky enough to send several things into Arda… What would its inhabitants say and do about it? – Ficlets with a totally unserious approach on modern items or gadgets popping up during the First Age of the Sun in Arda. (Guess what those are!)
What if Feanor's accusations to the Valar were correct?
What if everything you hoped for was a lie?
Valinor is not the paradise expected to be; Earendil's star has fallen - is it the beginning of Dagor Dagorath?
In Sylvanlight the stories of the Silmarillion are turned over and inside out, mysteries and dark intent surfacing if one simple fact is truth.
Round robin. Feel free to join in! In honor of SWG's second birthday, we offer a sillyfic about what may have happened if Varda held a party for her beloved husband ... and invited all of Aman. Please see the Story Notes for more details before adding to the story.