Fell Meats by pandemonium_213
Fanwork Notes
First and foremost, many thanks to Randy O, Surgical Steel, Spiced Wine, Oshun, Scarlet, Ignoble Bard, Kenaz, Lilith, and Russandol for your feedback that encouraged me and helped polish the drafts. Thank you in particular to Jael for allowing me to poach borrow her Eryn Galen canon in which a significant item of export from the Woodland Kingdom is spider silk. There's more canon-poaching from others to come, and I will note that in the end notes for the relevant chapter.
The setting for the story is the Halls of Mandos, likely corresponding during to the Fourth Age in Middle-earth, but due to time dilation in Aman, who knows? Within the context of the Pandë!verse, this takes place not long after what will be the conclusion of The Prisoner and the Hobbit, written by Dreamflower and myself.
By way of background, in the Pandë!verse, Sauron, contrary to Gandalf's prediction, does not become "a mere spirit of malice that gnaws itself in the shadows, but cannot again grow or take shape" after the Ring is destroyed (cf. The Return of the King). Instead, his spirit is captured in a mithril ring that he designed as a failsafe should the Ring technology fail when he first forged the Ring, or if it were destroyed (a very remote possibility or so he concluded). Think of this ring as a data back-up (hat-tip to Randy O for the reference). The bearer of the mithril ring that "contains" Sauron hands it off to Gandalf, who then ferries the ring to Aman, where the Valar pass judgment on Sauron. Much to his surprise and relief, Sauron is not tossed into the Void but is re-embodied and imprisoned in the Halls of Mandos. One of his first visitors is the magnanimous and very inquisitive Finrod. Much of this is addressed in The Prisoner and the Hobbit.
With no further adieu, Sauron tells his tale...
Fanwork Information
Summary: Sauron recounts his discovery of the fell beasts to Finrod, who visits the former Dark Lord during his imprisonment in the Halls of Mandos, in a tale of adventure and a bit of the macabre. Pandë!verse-centric. A little gory, some coarse language, mild sexual references. Chapter 2 added: Over tankards of ale, served in the replica of a familiar inn, Sauron continues his tale to Finrod: his instructions to the Lord of the Nazgûl (who receives a disagreeable task); his uncertainties concerning the wisdom of leaving Mordor; and his journey to Layla’s homeland, where the Forbidden Valley lies. Major Characters: Sauron Major Relationships: Genre: Adventure Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Expletive Language, Sexual Content (Mild), Violence (Mild) |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 9, 079 |
Posted on 28 November 2013 | Updated on 8 December 2013 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Thanks muchly to Drummerwench, Elfscribe, Ignoble Bard, Oshun, Randy O, Russandol, Scarlet, and Spiced Wine for comments and feedback on the draft version of this chapter. Please see End Notes for another important acknowledgment.
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