Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Embittered by Aldarion's departure on a long overseas journey against her will, Erendis dismisses the pair of wonderful Elven-birds that were given to her by visitors from Tol Eressea during her honeymoon. The birds briefly visit Erendis's parents on their flight back to Tol Eressea, but will not let themselves be touched and afterwards, it seems, they are not seen or heard again in Numenor.
"Sweet fools, fly away!" Erendis said. "This is no place for such joy as yours."
I have written a fix-it for the loss of the Elven-birds, sort of.
The first Crown Prince of Arnor comes to Mandos.
Elrond tells the story of Hurin's life, after his release from Angbad.
His audience are Valandil, sent from Arnor, and Gandalf, who has arrived from the West at the beginning of the Third Age.
A young child of Men befriends Sámaril, the troubled master smith of Imladris. The Noldorin craftsman experiences the joy and pain born of friendships between the Eldar and mortal Men and comes to question his people’s values as his life becomes entwined with Isildur’s youngest son and two powerful women of the Dúnedain. A sequel to The Apprentice.
Chapter 38 - The Crow's Nest: While Elerina establishes her informal seat of power in Gaillond, thus revealing to Sámaril her former role as Isildur's queen, the elven-smith quickly becomes bored with trade negotiations and resolution of disputes among the local nobility. The reminders of Isildur continue to exert a negative effect on Sámaril, causing frustration between the couple. But Sámaril also begins to dream of the Sea, which sparks a desire to take ship out on to the open waters, ostensibly to learn more about the working men of the Númenórean exiles. He finds the ship on which he wishes to sail and meets its captain.