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Ash to Ash

After Fëanor's death, Curufin experiences his own form of denial in grief. A drabble.

Challenge: Shoes: some people love them and others wear them because they have to. Choose a character: How does she or he feel about shoes? Does your character even wear them? Maybe she or he has a curiosity about these strange things worn upon feet and hoarded in wardrobes. Maybe your character has an interesting tale to tell about a certain pair of shoes.

Elleth challenged me to write for this prompt as part of Week Five's B2MeM challenge.

for so fiery was his spirit that as it sped his body fell to ash

Ash to Ash

There they are, by the door, where he left them.

There they are, by the door, where ever he has left them.

In Tirion, then Formenos, and now Mithrim. There are his boots by the door.

Aligned. Side by side, as ever.

Aligned as he stands, 12.4 knuckle-widths between the heels parallel to each other.

Daily, I come to his forge. I work. Soot and ash fill the air, but I do not open the windows.

Daily, I leave, tap each bootheel against the floor. Observe the ash gathering within, imagine him rebuilt in opposing manner to which he departed.

Chapter End Notes

The opening quote, of course, comes from The Silmarillion, "Of the Return of the Noldor."

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