Comments on Epilogue - A Fairy Story

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Thank you for replying, and sorry for the long gap between review and reply. I have to admit this is the Mae & Mags story I'm least happy with here. It's clumsy and quite naive, I thought I was a little badass back in 2003, I do often think of reworking it. But I'm glad you enjoyed, as modern day Quendi are huge fun to write.

Hello! I'm not sure if you still receive comments on your stories posted on SWG. I stumbled across your series of fics of AU Maglor and Maedhros and simply fell in love with them. It was such a fresh, alternative take on the two brothers and how their lives might have been. You do a brillant job at capturing details, and I love how you are able to really delve into the psyche of each brother. I also enjoyed how you were able to place them into England (and Scotland?) and weave in the modern age to the original/ME geography and places. Anyway, just wanted to give you my thanks for creating and sharing these stories. Great job.