Mereth Aderthad 2025: Call for Fanworks
Do you want to share a fanwork at Mereth Aderthad? The interest form for fanworks creators is now open, and sign-ups for fanworks will begin on February 15.
In Tolkien’s legendarium there is a lot of gifting happening, including in The Silmarillion. The gift-giving in The Silmarillion does not always have a generosity behind it. Take Sauron, for example, who named himself Annatar, the Lord of Gifts. Then there is Ilúvatar himself who bestowed gifts on the Ainur, who at their turn bestowed gifts upon the Elves. There are gifts of freedom which is bestowed on the Secondborn or gifts as atonement, such as when Maedhros gifted horses to Fingolfin. Weapons appear to be a much-gifted item as well.
We would like to challenge you to write about gift-giving (be it material or immaterial) by your characters or perhaps to write about traditions of gift-giving amongst the people who lived during the ages represented in The Silmarillion. What motive would they have to bestow this on others? What would they consider the greatest gift they ever received or which one disappointed them the most?
This challenge opened in .
A young Noldorin warrior is the first to encounter Orcs on the shores of Drengist. Maedhros gives him a sword made by Feanor as a gift, and finds, much to his dismay, that even his superb fencing skills do not protect him from sheer unpredictability.