Rowing Through Rough Waters by Erulisse

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Chapter 1

Title: Rowing Through Rough Waters


Rowing Through Rough Waters


Her days at Indis’ summer house were anchored by her best friends, Laurefindel and Turukáno.  In later years, however, the boys began staying at the Hunting Lodge, abandoning her to steer alone through the choppy waters of being the High King’s great-granddaughter.  Helyanwë felt deserted and isolated. 


This summer she decided to stay with her Telerin relatives instead.  Her cousin pointed out a small boat, rocking at the quay.  “We’ll take ‘Waverider out fishing today.” 


Looking hesitantly at the boat’s size and oars, she inhaled deeply.  “Well, rowing through the ocean should be easier than rowing through politics,” she reasoned. 


Chapter End Notes

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