Walking On the Dark Side by Erulisse
Fanwork Notes
Disclaimer: Tolkien built the sand box; I only play with the bucket and shovel that he left for me. No money, profit or non, is made from the publication of this story.
Fanwork Information
Summary: A series of drabbles focusing on Morgoth. Take a walk through the Dark Side. Responses to a variety of prompts for Tolkien Weekly drabble challenges. Major Characters: Melkor Major Relationships: Genre: Drama Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 6 | Word Count: 743 |
Posted on 8 October 2011 | Updated on 27 October 2011 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1 - Celebrating Light from the Dark Side
Summary: What can cause a smile on the face of evil? The chaos and fear left behind him as he achieved his goals, perhaps. Here’s a unique look at what made Morgoth smile. A response to the prompt: smile.
Read Chapter 1 - Celebrating Light from the Dark Side
Celebrating Light from the Dark Side
The festival was underway; his insipid siblings were listening to songs, poetry, and drinking the finest wines. He passed them from the south hidden by the dark, heading towards the light.
Approaching Ezellohar, he swiftly murdered the Trees, then allowed Ungoliant to gorge on their light-filled essence. A swift smile passed over his lips.
Leaving panic and fear behind them, the two progressed northwards towards their penultimate goal – the Light infused into the gems of Fëanáro. Holding the three gems to his breast, a smile appeared on his face as he stepped over the body of Finwë and headed east.
Chapter End Notes
Reviews are always appreciated.
Chapter 2 - Trouble Is As Trouble Does
Summary: Did Melkor really intend to reform when he was captured and imprisoned by the Valar? A response to the prompt “wink”.
Read Chapter 2 - Trouble Is As Trouble Does
Title: Trouble Is As Trouble Does
Trouble Is As Trouble Does
He laughed as he cast down the pillars of light. Although the Valar searched long, they were unable to find him. Resigned, they built again, designing lamps of great size and radiance. But again he destroyed the light, allowing darkness to spread throughout Arda.
Retreating to his northern fortress, he waited. His siblings declared war against him, and although his forces were mighty, after long years he was defeated.
As the door of his prison in Mandos closed behind his brothers, he winked. Once more he would walk free, lull them, and eventually bring chaos and evil into Arda again.
Chapter End Notes
Reviews are always appreciated.
Chapter 3 - Setting the Stage - The Dagor-nuin-Giliath
Summary: Morgoth expected the second battle in Beleriand to also be the final battle of Arda. It did not turn out that way because the Valar did not show up to fight. A response to the prompt “raised eyebrow”.
Read Chapter 3 - Setting the Stage - The Dagor-nuin-Giliath
Setting the Stage – The Dagor-nuin—Giliath
Setting the Stage – The Dagor-nuin—Giliath
Morgoth fled to Angband over the Helcaraxë, the Silmarils clutched in his hand, hidden by the darkness of Ungoliant. Expecting the wrath of the Valar to fall upon him, he raised the fortress of Thangorodrim to help withstand their power, the force of which had almost caused the breaking of Arda during their previous battles.
Looking outwards at Fëanáro’s forces he laughed. The Valar were nowhere to be seen and these puny First Born would be easy to slay. Raising his eyebrow, he looked at his commander, Gothmog. “Spare no quarter,” he ordered. “Gift me with Fëanáro’s death this day.”
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 4 - Dress Rehearsal
Summary: Morgoth desires freedom after three long ages of imprisonment. But to obtain it, he must convince the other Valar of his sincere repentance. A response to the prompt “pull a face”.
Read Chapter 4 - Dress Rehearsal
Dress Rehearsal
For three long ages he sat, chained, in the dungeon of Mandos' Halls, outraged by his captivity. He was older than the Valar, wiser than the Valar, the only one who sang his own Song when the Allfather sang Eä into being. He deserved accolades, not imprisonment.
Now his long captivity was ending. But to truly walk free again, he must abase himself in front of his brothers and sisters. He pulled a face in the darkness of his cell. Best to get his true disgust out of the way now. He must be convincing while performing in the Máhanaxar.
Chapter End Notes
Reviews are always appreciated.
Chapter 5 - A Prize Catch
EDITED on October 20th to reflect changes and suggestions that strengthen the story.
Read Chapter 5 - A Prize Catch
> Title: A Prize Catch
A Prize Catch
Seated on his throne of iron, as black as his fëa, Melkor allowed himself a momentary flash of joy and a quick smile. The craven lying before him, face down on the filthy stones, bled from his rough treatment, so frightened that his excrement stained his naked thighs. He was the key to the secret which had eluded him for so long.
His face returned to a dead-pan expression as he addressed the prisoner. His voice whipped his captive with fire-hot needles. His tone modulated, he said softly, “So, Maeglin, tell me of your fair city. Tell me of Gondolin.”
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 6 - Captured Light
Read Chapter 6 - Captured Light
Captured Light
Captured Light
He remembered sitting at the feet of the Eternal Flame, attempting to capture its Light within his own discordant Song. Unsuccessful, he entered Eä, searching endlessly for a replacement, a light that would be able to illuminate the darkest corners of his soul.
Pursuing that quest, the Lamps and the Trees fell victim. Nothing could be allowed to stand in his way.
Now, holding the Silmarils in his hand a look of rapture stole across his face. He stood in the ruined doorway of Formenos and turned his attention to Ennor. Once again Light would be his in darkest Angband.
* * * * *
A/N I should mention here that in my viewpoint Melkor has always desired the Light and had shards of the Lamps in his rooms at Utumno, therefore he already had Light in his previous personal environment (thus 'Once again Light would be his in darkest Angband').
See my B2ME Day 6 - “Light” http://efiction.esteliel.de/viewstory.php?sid=163. (This was a very early story of mine and I apologize for the poor writing, but the storyline is consistent this drabble’s theme.)
Chapter End Notes
Reviews are always appreciated.
(1) Comment by Ellynn for Walking On the Dark Side [Ch 5]
Wow, this is so horrifying!
Well done.
Re: (1) Comment by Ellynn for Walking On the Dark Side [Ch 5]
Thank you so very much. There is nothing pleasant about Morgoth or Angband, but making it come clear in 100 words...well it's a fun challenge for me. I appreciate your reading and your words :-)
- Erulisse (one L)