The Courtship
The Courtship
Mairon sat at a small table in the tavern with his girlfriend. Tankards of ale sat in front of them. He held her hand and looked around the room. There was a fireplace tall enough to walk into, made of river stones. A small peat fire provided some light, as well as a pleasant aroma.
The tavern, the front room of a house on the village green, was the most popular nightspot in the village of Valmar. Tonight it was completely full. Every table in the room was occupied, and people stood two deep at the bar.
She and Mairon talked about minor things, as well as important ones. Over time, Mairon told her all his secrets. How he longed to finish his apprenticeship and become independent. How he wanted to work in his own smithy, and live in his own cottage. How he wanted to share it with a wife. Nothing was agreed yet, but they had begun to talk about it.
It grew late, and they got up to go.
"Let me walk you home." he said.
They walked toward the other side of town, hand in hand. Just before reaching her front door, he stopped. This was usually where he kissed her goodnight. Instead, he looked toward the barn.
"Is anyone in there at this hour?"
"No, why would they be? The milking's finished, and no one would take the horses out this late. Why?"
"I want to try something. Are you game?"
"Depends on what it is."
He walked toward the barn. He was pleased that she followed him. The barn doors were unlocked. Once they were inside, he asked,
"Where's the hayloft?"
She walked over to the ladder, and he followed. She looked at him. "Now what?"
"Let's go up."
She climbed the ladder first, and he followed. She turned and looked at him, waiting for an explanation.
"I want to kiss you, but I want to do it skin against skin." he said.
"Oh? What would that accomplish?"
"I don't know. It's an experiment."
Since they'd both lived half their lives before clothing was invented, they were used to nudity and attached almost no importance to it. Mairon watched as she lifted her dress above her head and tossed it aside.
"Your turn." she said.
He dropped his clothes near hers.
"Come here and kissme." she said.
He put his hands on her shoulders and bent down to put his mouth on hers, but stopped after a minute.
"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" she asked.
"I have a cramp in my neck. Shall we lie down? Then it won't matter that I'm taller."
She lay down in the straw, and he held his weight on his elbows so he wouldn't crush her. He kissed her hard, and quickly became caught up in the moment. She must have been too, because her knees fell open, and then ..
"Ouch! What are you doing with your hand?"
"My hands are tangled in your hair." he told her.
"Then what … Oww!"
"I'm sorry. Do you want me to stop?" he asked.
"Just be careful. What are you doing, anyway?"
"I have no idea." he said.
A noise made him freeze. She lay absolutely still in his arms, her head turned toward the sound.
"What was that?" he asked.
"It sounded like something fell, or was knocked over."
"It's probably just one of the animals."
"No, it sounded like a person. What if we were seen?"
"Then we'll get teased about it" he said. "and we'll die of embarrassment. It's manageable."
He kissed her and rocked back on his heels. He saw blood on the inside of her thighs.
"You're hurt!"
"Just a little."
"I would never have hurt you on purpose. I'm sorry."
Later, after they'd dressed and climbed down from the hayloft, he gave her a chaste kiss outside her front door.
"If you're willing, let's get serious about becoming espoused. If Aulë gives me permission to marry, we can do it. Even if he doesn't, we can elope. Ossë and Uinen did. They got into a lot of trouble, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. What do you say?"
"I need time to think about it. And I need to ask permission too. Give me a few days."
He felt too agitated to go home afterwards. He didn't know what he felt, embarrassed and happy and scared all at the same time. He didn't want to deal with his brother apprentices back at the dormitory until he'd had some time to sort out his feelings, so he returned to the tavern and sat by himself in a quiet corner until closing time.
He couldn't have known it at the time, but he would never see her again.