Unexpected Gratitude - Re-examining Exile by Erulisse

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


It is told that Fëanáro was exiled to Formenos for threatening his half-brother with a sword.  But what was Fëanáro’s true feeling when seeing his place of exile?  A response to the prompt “Unexpected Gratitude”.

Major Characters: Fëanor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 104
Posted on 30 December 2011 Updated on 30 December 2011

This fanwork is complete.

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Disclaimer:  Tolkien built the sandbox, I only play with the bucket and shovel that he left for me.  No money, profit or non, is made from the publication of this story.  


Comments on Unexpected Gratitude - Re-examining Exile

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Helyanwe would, of course, have gone with her grandfather.  Feanor was one of the most important people in her life.  And I can so see her dancing for joy looking at the new forge and visualizing many hours of happy work.  I am a believer that everything has two sides, and I am, generally, an optimist.  Thus, the positive spin on Feanor's exile.  I'm so pleased that you liked this, Ellynn.  


- Erulisse (one L)