Jubilee Instadrabbling, January 18-19, 2025
As part of our upcoming Jubilee amnesty challenge, we will be instadrabbling on our Discord on January 18 and 19.
The Host of Melkor is eager to confront the Host of the Valar.
Angband, FA 1000
Mairon, Melkor’s second-in-command and the commander of his forces, prepared for war against the Hosts of Valinor.
Tension had been mounting for a long time, and it was about to come to a head.
Messengers flew back and forth between the two warring parties. The most recent dispatches from the Valar had taken on a new tone, one of menace and threat. Melkor had begun to return them defaced and unopened.
In the meantime, they strengthened their own defenses far beyond what they’d ever been before. The Valar attacked them during the Age of the Stars, and reduced their fortresses to ruins. Now, Angband was protected by Thangorodrim, raised for its defense, as well as an extra curtain wall, higher and thicker than before.
In the plain before the gates of Angband, enormous armies of orcs stood in formation, rank upon rank. Black banners snapped in the wind. The mood was festive. They were eager to hear the horns signal the start of battle, and show what they could do.
The armies of orcs were more than sufficient against Elves and Men, but in the coming contest, they would be facing the Host of Valar. An array of Balrogs stood ready to meet them, each one armed with whip and mace, and trained to fight in formation. The Valar fought one-on-one in an undisciplined way. The close combat tactics, drilled over and over, would give them an advantage.
But Melkor’s greatest weapon was something the Valar had not seen before. In great secrecy, Melkor had been breeding a host of dragons, deep in the pits of Angband.
Mairon walked up and down the individual kennels in the dragon pits, reviewing their progress. Many were still juvenile, like Glaurung was when he assailed Nargothrond, but some were fully grown. The largest and most dangerous of these was Ancalagon the Black. He was the reason they didn’t fear the Valar.
We’re ready. Bring it on.