Comments on The Forging of the Ring

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Thanks very much! Your review really meant a lot to me! (Apologies for taking so long to reply, I haven't been on the site in a while.)

I'm here re-posting 'Forging of the Ring' after submitting it to my writers' group. (That's an experience in humility, but I get lots of good editing out of it.) The main change was that I had the Ring get heavier when he transfered his power into it.

Thanks again!


Thanks very much! Your review really meant a lot to me! (Apologies for taking so long to reply, I haven't been on the site in a while.)

I'm here re-posting 'Forging of the Ring' after submitting it to my writers' group. (That's an experience in humility, but I get lots of good editing out of it.) The main change was that I had the Ring get heavier when he transfered his power into it.

Thanks again!


This is great, and true to the process of invention, particularly when it's a very powerful invention, and that if it had not been for that safety margin...I know I'm a broken receord when it comes to the comparisons to the Manhattan Project, but I can't help but be reminded of Enrico Fermi's concern that the atomic blast woud ignite the hydrogen in the atmosphere, and that would be that.  

Needless to say, I very much enjoy your portrait of Mairon as inventor/engineer and not a mere one-note bwahaha villain. :^) 

I didn't quite get whether the Ring would continue to burn Sauron's finger and he would have to continue using the salve (and I love the Chief Assistant, btw, and hope that Sauron gave him a promotion), or it was a one-time effect.

Love it that Sauron still wanted, however impossible, his old master's approval, not Melkor's, but Aule's approval.  This Sauron is definitely still Mairon the Maia, though fallen.

Thanks for your notes! He was afraid the Ring was burning him, that the Ring was like a Silmaril, but that was a misconception on his part. The pain was from the burn caused by the bursting lava bubble that sprayed and landed on his hand. The salve suppressed the pain and he forgot he'd been burned, until the salve wore off. ("Novacaine doesn't kill pain, it postpones it." - Bill Cosby)
