The Goblin Town Gates, Long Gone Before by Dwimordene

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The Goblin Town Gates, Long Gone Before

First prompt: Goblin

The Goblin Town Gates, Long Gone Before

All this has happened before.

Pain – it comes again, beyond bodily bearing. Treelight burns bright through dark-mottled flesh, through crooked, clutching fingers…

If even Arda bends, what are Quendi, to be so constant? Right again, cousin! Foolish to believe even Ilúvatar’s honor could bind them changeless.

Pain pulses; he collapses, retching, but perversion cannot out so – panting horror, he stares at that – his – hand; time unravels...


The cliff! The shackled claw, and memory –

They say Orcs were Elves once.

No saving blade this time.

To chasm’s edge he crawls where, Maitimo no more, Nelyafinwë lifts that hand, and falls…


Chapter End Notes


“Thou art that” – taking a more recent interpretation of the phrase.

They say Orcs were Elves once - “Of the Coming of the Elves,” The Silmarillion.

“Maitimo” – “Well-shaped one” – “The Shibboleth of Fëanor,” PoME.

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