Comments on "A Song About Kingfishers" & "Kingfisher in Flight"

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"Even if it had not evidently been the wrong moment, his drawing of a kingfisher in flight was not good enough to show his father."

That sentence says so much and really sets the tone of the ficlet.  I think many of us can relate to the "not good enough" sentiment here.  Young Káno, however, shows that Maitimo's love is more than good enough.  A sweet vignette that with a final coda that is the harbinger of a hard fate for Maitimo, Macalaurë, and their brothers.  Very nice work, H.

I absolutely love this story of yours, Himring!

"‘Bird’, he said and reached out and grabbed.

In no time, the paper had crumpled and torn in his pudgy little fists.

‘Bird gone’, said Kano uncertainly.

He felt this was a greater crisis, potentially, than being lost."

You paint such a realistic picture of a baby - something I admire, since I heave great trouble with it! Also, the interactions between Maglor and his brother are very touching.
