At the Bidding of the Minstrel by Himring

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Chapter 1

This text will make no sense whatever if you haven't looked at Elleth's photomanip first--but if you haven't seen it, you should go and have a look in any case!

It's here:

Silmarillion: The Bidding of the Minstrel by ~LadyElleth on deviantART

Turko: What I’m saying is—everything looks brighter with a good breakfast inside you. And look at him—no breakfast and no supper worth speaking of either. I’d go shoot something for him if I could…

Telvo: I think it’s the sea, myself. All sorts of unpleasant associations, you know. He needs a change of scene, to get away a bit. How about a nice large forest instead—Lothlorien, Eryn Lasgalen, Fangorn, maybe?

Curvo: Kano, come on, I know you are a bit upset just now, but you really cannot let them get away with this! Have you taken any notice at all of what Pengolodh has been up to lately?

Moryo: I’ve got a tin ear, Kano, but I can hear your music, you know--inside. Just now, it’s all off key, somehow out of tune. You need to—I don’t know—twiddle the pegs a bit, tighten the strings, whatever?

Pityo: Nelyo! Nelyo, do something for goodness’ sake, please! He’s been sitting there for hours. There must be something you can do?

Nelyo: Oh what a mess! I knew I shouldn’t have jumped! I knew! Except it’s a bit difficult to reverse mistakes when you’re halfway down a flaming chasm. Kano, can you hear me? Kano!

Chapter End Notes

(Feanorian nicknames: Turko=Celegorm, Telvo=Amras, Kano=Maglor,  Curvo=Curufin, Moryo=Caranthir, Pityo=Amrod, Nelyo=Maedhros)

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