The Trees of Numenor by Himring

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Chapter 3: A Gift from the West


Prompt: Bark

Aldarion, Gil-galad

‘I have brought you lairelosse, although it may not flourish here. Can you smell the sweet scent of its bark?  It came from Tol Eressea; so much is ours by the gift of the Eldar. Even our kingship—we have begun to attribute it to our trace of elvish blood rather than to our descent from Tuor and Beren. Nevertheless, it was hard to believe we are kin—until I met you. Or do I presume?’
Aldarion’s face was both proud and anxious. Gil-galad smiled, inhaling exotic fragrance.
‘We are kin. And like you, kinsman, I’ve never seen Tol Eressea.’

Chapter End Notes

The tree name lairelosse translates as "summer-snow-white". It is one of the fragrant trees of the woods of Nisimaldar in Numenor. According to one account, the mallorn was also one of these and mallorn nuts were given by Aldarion to Gil-galad, who passed them on to Galadriel.

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