Comments on Test of Loyalty

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OMG, thank you!  Thank you for this.  Succinct yet devastating.   Pandë!Mairon salutes Uvatha!Mairon ["I think we're on the same page here."]

There's truth here, Uvatha, I find it so refreshing to see this addressed so effectively in this short piece.  

I should tell you off the radar sometime about my brilliant graduate advisor and his first post-doctoral position with a very well known and powerful Harvard professor.  Save for the sexual component, uh, there's some striking similarities here.

In short, well done!

Thank you so much!

I wanted to put Mairon in an impossible situation and show how much joining Melkor’s household cost him. He loved Melkor (“Bereft of his lord, he fell into the folly of imitating him”) He hero-worshiped him, and would have died for him, but a physical relationship would never have crossed his mind. I imagine he dealt with the assault by not dealing with it (“It never happened”, “He took advantage of you, suck it up.”)

I’m sorry to hear about your advisor. Abuse of power happens, and it’s hard to know how to stand up to it. It can mean the loss of something you’ve wanted for a long time.
