Atanatari: Of the Three Houses of the Edain by Himring

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Sisters in law, sisters in expatriation

Hareth and Gloredhel married each other's brothers in a double wedding; both went to live with their new husband's people.

Rating: Teens (PG)

Warnings: not really angst, just the consequences of marrying into a different society

Written to go with Oshun's new bio of Hareth and for the Hidden Figures challenge (Hareth).

Also for Legendarium Ladies April (the mirror prompt)

Hareth looked in the mirror given her by Gloredhel when they exchanged gifts at their wedding. It showed dark hair, features that made her stand out among her husband’s people; it did not show how short she was, compared to any of them, but especially to her husband, Galdor the Tall, towering more than two heads above her. It was too small for that.

Visible difference—but the difference between the House of the Haleth and the House of Hador was reflected even more strongly in thought.

How, she wondered, was Gloredhel doing, trying to adjust to life in Brethil?

Chapter End Notes

Also written for Tolkien Weekly: the reflection challenge prompts mirror and thought.

100 words in MS Word.

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