Comments on The Maia and the Aulendili

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You know I guess I have a habit of overthinking things, too! At first, I was trying to read the image in the Palantir as an allusion to Gandalf's description of the ensnaring of Saruman in LOTR as in a "spider's web". And when you showed it was to be taken more literally, I went: "Doh! Of course!"

As I said elsewhere, I like all the three chapters a lot and am enormously pleased that my own piece inspired this one.


(Nerdanel upended a bucket of plaster over him? Was it an accident or an experiment?)

Oh, wow--you know, I had not even recalled Gandalf's words about Saruman involving a spider's web when I wrote this. I will confess to a smidgeon of vindication that the spider image is also capable of misleading the reader as it did Curumo. 

Re: bucket of plaster. I'm not entirely sure at this point in time! It seemed like a good way to illustrate the contrast between his relationship to Nerdanel and his relatoionship to Maedhros.

Thank you again for letting me use that scene. I was really happy with the direction it caused my own work to take with this story.

Thanks very much! =) Curumo is quite dear to me [I say about a character who would shun me for months if he heard me say that in public], so I'm particularly happy when people enjoy my works that feature him. I must add, regarding "so far," that the story has been completed and it does end on this rather grim note, but that's often how I roll.