The Maia and the Aulendili by Huinare

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Fanwork Notes

Written for International Fanworks day, 2015. 

Fanwork Information


It seems likely that a Maia of Aulë would have been on friendly terms with Mahtan's household. Most of the time. 

Curumo and four generations of one family.

Update: Final chapter, "The Spike." Saruman sees Celebrimbor, and possibly wishes he hadn't.

Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Maedhros, Mahtan, Nerdanel, Saruman, Sauron

Major Relationships:


Challenges: International Fanworks Day

Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate

Warnings: Violence (Moderate)

Chapters: 4 Word Count: 5, 352
Posted on 28 February 2015 Updated on 23 April 2015

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

En route to Valinor, Mahtan meets one of the Maiar and learns about the mechanics of floating islands.

Young Nerdanel shows her early work to her father's friend.

Curumo and Maitimo have an awkward talk precipitated by Fëanáro's latest invention.

With thanks to Himring for allowing me to write one of her scenes from my own protagonist's POV (please see chapter endnotes). Most of the dialogue herein is hers, from "Maedhros and the Palantír."

Saruman sees Celebrimbor, and possibly wishes he hadn't.

Darker than the preceeding chapters, but I tried to stay in keeping with the earlier tone and not get very graphic.

Comments on The Maia and the Aulendili

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You know I guess I have a habit of overthinking things, too! At first, I was trying to read the image in the Palantir as an allusion to Gandalf's description of the ensnaring of Saruman in LOTR as in a "spider's web". And when you showed it was to be taken more literally, I went: "Doh! Of course!"

As I said elsewhere, I like all the three chapters a lot and am enormously pleased that my own piece inspired this one.


(Nerdanel upended a bucket of plaster over him? Was it an accident or an experiment?)

Oh, wow--you know, I had not even recalled Gandalf's words about Saruman involving a spider's web when I wrote this. I will confess to a smidgeon of vindication that the spider image is also capable of misleading the reader as it did Curumo. 

Re: bucket of plaster. I'm not entirely sure at this point in time! It seemed like a good way to illustrate the contrast between his relationship to Nerdanel and his relatoionship to Maedhros.

Thank you again for letting me use that scene. I was really happy with the direction it caused my own work to take with this story.

Thanks very much! =) Curumo is quite dear to me [I say about a character who would shun me for months if he heard me say that in public], so I'm particularly happy when people enjoy my works that feature him. I must add, regarding "so far," that the story has been completed and it does end on this rather grim note, but that's often how I roll.