All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

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A Letter from Findekáno

Fingon writes to Maedhros. Maedhros/Fingon, a drabble-and-a-half (150 words) for the prompt words brave, lift, insight, strategic.


All I learned I learned from you.


I am not merely trying to lift your spirits! I truly have.

(The italics show I'm serious!)

Insight: When you knew you loved me. I was just a muddle of confusion but that night in Arafinwë's wine cellar? YOU kissed me first.

Strategy: When sneaking out to see you, knowing which of the servant's passages to use based on meal services, laundry days, &c, &c.

Oh and knowing when to ply you, when to wile and beguile, when to turn my shoulder in indifference (though you were still the only one I could see).

Bravery: We stood against the gods, you and I, but that isn't what comes to mind when I hear the word courage. It was before that. A time to be brave in love. When you took my hand in the square. Kissed it for all to see.

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