All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

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Spring Thaw

Fëanor and Nerdanel are stranded during spring thaw. A perfect drabble written for image instadrabbling, for the image of water rushing through a gorge. This drabble uses the Felakverse idea that Fëanor and Nerdanel married without permission in the wilderness.

The little freshet had once been easily forded by a log footbridge rolled crookedly across it. But snows had been heavy that winter, and the spring thaw champed at the land, the footbridge long swept toward the sea and the freshet--now a river--uncrossable.


To the south lay Tirion, a meniscus of light seeping into the starry dark. Nerdanel turned the ring on her finger. The gold ring.


This was a difficult conversation--a revelation--a betrayal?--(certainly a defiance!)--deferred. Beside her, Fëanáro looked no less regretful. Nerdanel slipped her arm around his waist; kissed his throat. The river surged and roared.

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