Loyalty Outtakes by grey_gazania

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It Will Be a Long Trip; He Will Be a New Chief

Inspired by William Stafford and by the Silmfic Prompt Generator: preservation vs. change. Set after Chapter 5 of Loyalty.

He makes himself busy that night, bringing beans and blankets to the hungry and cold, making certain that his people all have enough. All the while he thinks on his meeting with the Elf, thinks on what Nâr has told him, thinks on his conversation with his son. He cannot rest, not with these thoughts racing in his mind, and he sits up till the sun creeps over the mountains, sits up alone and troubled.


He brought his people here for a better life. The land is lush and green and open, good for farming, and many miles and a rocky wall now lie between them and their enemies. If the Elf lets them stay, they will prosper, he's sure of it. But there are other Men here, Nâr says, pale ones who serve the Elves and speak their language, worship their gods and use their names. His own son and heir has already taken on the Elvish names that Nâr taught them, casting aside the name his mother gave him at his birth.


Ulfang.  He doesn't like his own new name, can barely pronounce it, but it seems that he'll have to use it if he wishes to please the Elves. But if he surrenders his name, what will be next? His language? He's already studying the Elves' tongue. His gods? Will the Elves insist that he turn away from those who have blessed him, blessed his family, blessed his people? He brought his people here for a better life, but will they have to give up who they are to claim it?


He doesn't know. The spirit might be able to offer guidance, but though he waits for it all night, it never appears.

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