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Thank you, Robinka. Very happy you liked it. I had never written about Eärwen before, and the story had to be set in the Second Age. I pictured her waiting for her children to be reborn or (in the case of Galadriel) to return to Valinor. And I imagined she might have been spared (part of) the truth of Finrod's tragic death. So... it sort of wrote itself like that. Thank you for your review!

I cannot believe that I have never read this story. Real life must have intervened with a vengance around the time that you first posted this here. I love this story. It is a really great perspective upon Earwen as a woman and a mother and. although the Lays of Leithian is not one of my favorite parts of Tolkien, I have always adored the parts about Finrod! Wow! beautiful use of the song. I love this more than I can say.

Hi oshun, I actually had thought little about Earwen when the fic swap assignment was thrust into my hands (my first fic swap), and I could have done with your biography at the time. It was one of those "stare dumbly at blank screen" nightmares. I kept thinking of Earwen naked on the horse and having fun with Nerdanel, but that plot was decidedly not GenFic. Luckily, Finrod came to the rescue, all the way from the dungeons of Sauron, phew! Finrod's story is, with Maedhros', one of the most tragic in the whole legendarium, and suddenly I was much happier, I had a plot!

RL can do these things, I have many stories still to read. Thank you for reading and reviewing this one now!



I struggled with this story for so long, it was a swap, I was panicking I would not be able to find inspiration. In the end I took the easy way out and roped Finrod in, he is one of my favourite elves, after all, and kindly got me out of trouble in exchange for taking him out of Mandos. A good deal for both of us, I believe!

Many thanks for reviewing!



...and suddenly the reslease from bonds seems much more about Finrod and his doom than Luthien and her death. That was beautiful. I never really considered his parents knowing the story and their reactions to it, but of course they must have. 

Thank you very much for reviewing, Aerlinn! That part of the Lay of Leithian with Finrod leaving Nargothrond and fighting Sauron with songs of Power is always my favourite, I've read it many times and it never fails to move me. After his horrific death in the dungeons of Sauron, I wanted to know the end of the story, his release from Mandos. Then, as you did, I realised the title of the lay could also be applied to his tale, even more from the point of view of those who waited for him to return. I'm very happy you enjoyed it. Thanks again!



I could almost feel Eärwen contrudicting emotions. The resolve to find what was kept from her, as well as her overwhelming pain at the reality.

I think it's impossible for us, adult readers, who went through some life experiences to even start to understand the innocence of a sheltered society and individuals. I think that makes Eärwen's resolve to read through, despite the known end, even more courageous.

Even though the story has a happy ending, I was left with heaviness, of the "what has passed".

You made me love the mother, and even the son, who was not even a direct part of the tale. Excellent story.

Finrod's parts of the lay of Leithian are my favourites. When I had a prompt for a fic swap about Eärwen, I immediately knew that the story had to somehow revolve about him. Given the horrific ending he suffered, however heroic, I wondered if, possibly with the intention to spare her that horror, Finarfin might have glossed over the details that he was sure to have found out during the War of Wrath. As a mother, I might have wanted to know the truth, but I can also understand why Finarfin might have withheld that painful information from his wife.It certainly made for a better plot, in my mind, that she discovered almost by accident.

Thank you for letting me know that the way I imagined her reaction works for you. Yes, Finrod came back, but you are right that the story focus in the discovery, and not in his return.

Thanks again!

This really shows a lot of determination on Earwen's part. She's clearly being torn up by what's she's reading, but she needs to know and keeps going anyway. I guess we know where Finrod gets his tenacity from!

The subject matter is fascinating as well. The Silmarillion is so full of heroic (and not so heroic) deaths told without pulling any punches (Fingolfin, Finrod,'s a long list!) It's nice to see a story about the effects these stories have on the people close to the heroes of those tales. 

Hi Athrabeth, I'm sorry it took me so long to respond to your review, I have been on holiday with terrible access to the Internet. Anyway, I agree that Earwen was obstinate, but I guess mothers usually are about their children. I always wondered how Finrod's family received the news of his terrible death. Finarfin would have asked about his son's fate as soon as he set foot on Middle-earth.  Once he knew, would he tell his wife?

Thank you very much for taking the time to review, I love knowing what readers enjoy about my stories.