Taboos Were Made To Be Broken (January 2017) by Kaylee Arafinwiel

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The (In)Justice of the King

Nimloth and Neldiel share their anger at Luthien's plight - but Elu isn't having any of it.

Nimloth followed swiftly, her hand catching in Neldiel's. She looked into Neldiel's eyes anxiously. "Please stay," she said quietly.


"I will not," Neldiel repeated.


"Stay for your sons, if not for me," Nimloth said quietly. "They need you, too. We do not understand."


"I will speak with my sons later," Neldiel said after a moment, taking her hand back from Nimloth. "But I will not stay. Not for this.”


"That is your right, of course," Nimloth said quietly. "I will remain with Adar and Naneth, then, where the King can see in my eyes that I disapprove, where he will understand that I have not turned my back on Princess Lúthien. I will remain for her." Dipping a curtsey to Neldiel, she returned to stand between Galathil and Aglarwen, slipping her hand into her brother's.


Amdir squeezed Nimloth's hand lightly, feeling quite as distraught as she did, and both young elves turned defiant looks on Aran Elu, though he ignored them.


Anger sparked in Neldiel's eyes. How dare Nimloth act so very superior, and intimate that she was doing the better thing for Luthien. Neldiel had no inclination to waste her anger on Nimloth, so she turned to leave, but the King's guards were blocking her way.


"With respect, my lady," Captain Mablung said firmly, "it is best you follow Lady Nimloth's example. Whether you think our King's decree is just or not, we have been commanded not to let anyone pass until Aran Elu is ready to return."


Ordinarily, Neldiel might have charmed or flirted her way past a guard, but she was in no mood to even attempt a smile. "I am ready to return now," she said instead.


"I have my orders, Lady Neldiel, and you have yours," Mablung said tersely.


"Orders that I cannot, in good conscience, obey," Neldiel replied.


"I understand, my lady. But it is my duty to see you do obey," Mablung replied. He wasn't entirely unsympathetic to Neldiel's plight; he'd been just as upset at the thought of Lúthien imprisoned, and not much shocked him. That had. Still, orders were orders.


"Then I am sorry, Captain, but you will have to do your duty," Neldiel said, and she stepped past Mablung.


Mablung grasped Neldiel firmly by the arm, and marched her back through the group of Elves to stand before Elu and Melian. Lúthien had been slowly climbing up the ladder toward her new-made prison, and was nearly to the top.


Elu's gaze fell on Neldiel and Mablung. "What is this, Neldiel?" he demanded. "You would dare disobey me with this example before you?"


"Clearly," Neldiel said coldly.


"If you persist, We will be forced to lock the four of you up as dissenters," Elu said, equally as coldly. His gaze took in Celepharn, Oropher and Vehiron as well. "We will not stand for this."


"The four of us? But they didn't..." Neldiel stopped, and the corner of her mouth lifted in a contemptuous smile. If the only way that Elu could control her was by threatening her, making her fear for those she loved more than herself...well. She had experienced that before, from other ellyn.


"Very well. But in this, neither you nor the Queen have my loyalty," she said, her eyes on the King. "Princess Luthien does. Captain Mablung, release me."


 Mablung looked to Elu, who gave him a brief nod. He let Neldiel go.


Neldiel took a moment to smooth her skirt and straighter her sleeve where Mablung had gripped her arm, and then she returned to her family. She stood wordlessly next to Celepharn, staring straight ahead with clenched fists.


Celepharn took Neldiel's clenched fist in his hand, stroking the back of her fingers with his thumb. He looked at her, not at Elu or Melian. Above them, the door of the house in Neldor's crown opened, Luthien passed through wordlessly, and it shut behind her. With a wordless gesture, Elu indicated the ladder should be removed. Melian did so, and Mablung took his place beneath the tree to begin his watch.


Elmo stepped forward, his heart heavy and his voice showing a slight tremor, though he tried to keep it steady. "The justice of the King is done. Let all depart in peace."


Some left right away. Baraves was one of them, at Galadhon's side. Others left more slowly, with lingering glances up at the house in the tree. Neldiel stayed right where she was, unmoving.


Celepharn looked at Oropher and Vehiron. "Go, hil-nin, ion-nin," he said quietly. "Your naneth and I will come soon." He was gratified that they obeyed him, at least. Before long, they were the only ones left.

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