Morning Hath Broken by Kaylee Arafinwiel

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In Harlindon

This story will have (at least) three chapters, I think. This one is set in Harlindon, during the Second Age, when Emma and I have Thranduil born for our purposes. I realize that's a lot later than most Thranduil writers seem to do but I've never seen canon go one way or the other, so hope this is okay :)

“Ada?” The golden-haired child propped himself up on his elbows, stretched out on his father’s hearthrug in Harlindon, studying the dark-haired Elven-lord intently.

“Yes, my son,” Oropher replied with infinite patience – his heir was wont to ply him with questions all day, and he would never get his missives to Gil-galad finished at this rate. He gave Thranduil a wan smile. “What is it you want to know, laes-nin?”


“Helvui wants to know.” Thranduil – not yet ten cyrnanor old – picked up his stuffed brown rabbit and held him out. “Helvui and I were watching Anor wake up this morning,” he explained.

“Ah. And what would you like to know about Anor, Master Helvui?” Oropher addressed the rabbit gravely, though his eyes glinted with humour. (Helvui didn’t see anything particularly funny about being spoken to like that.)

“Helvui wants to know,” Thranduil continued, “do you like to watch Anor rise every day? She came out of the east and coloured the sky like carrots. Helvui was so excited.”

“I’m sure Helvui was, laes-nin,” Oropher nodded. He looked thoughtful. “I do like to watch her rising. In fact, I remember Anor’s first rising, and she rose in the west.”

Eyes wide with shock, Thranduil scrambled to sit up properly. “Really, Ada? Why? Will you tell me?”


“Ah, well, as to that…” Oropher sank back into the mists of memory as he spun his tale.


Chapter End Notes

All words/phrases are Sindarin.

Ada - Papa/Daddy

Anor - the sun

Cyrnanor - Years, literally "sun-rounds". At ten years old, Thranduil is approximately four in human terms.

Helvui - "Fluffy". Thranduil's rabbit, made for him by his mother.

Laes-nin - "my baby"


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