Artanis to Alatiriel: Earweniel's Homecoming by Kaylee Arafinwiel

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Itarilde and 'Tani, Princesses Reunited

Inspired by Fiondil’s “Nightfall in Aman”, this is a reworking of my own “Silence Falls” written for B2MEM previously, and includes it (the first half, in italics).Also for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild's "Strength and Beauty" challenge. it seems to me these granddaughters (well, great-granddaughter and granddaughter) of Finwe were two of the strongest members of his family. They certainly went through a lot! And, of course, they're beautiful - as are the stars above them.

"Tani?" The child gasped as her elder cousin dropped down beside
her. "Oh, Tani, I'm scared." The only daughter of Arafinwë and
Túrucáno’s daughter huddled together in the darkness, Artanis rocking
her younger cousin as she cried.

"Do not be scared, best beloved. They are only stars," Artanis
murmured. "But the light is gone!" Itarildë protested, keening cry
silenced only by a hand over her mouth.

"I know, titta quen. Tani knows. The light is gone." Artanis let
Itarildë bury herself deeper into Artanis' embrace. There was a
sniffle, and a muffled question.

"Will it ever come back?"

"I don't think so, best beloved," Artanis said softly. "But the
lights that are left to us have a fire all their own. Look." Slowly,
Itarildë raised her head. Like glowing embers in the coal-black sky,
the cold stars stared down at them.

"Silence has fallen on Aman. Night has come. But perhaps, sometime
soon, Day shall return," Artanis breathed. "Perhaps."

"Hope so, Tani. Tani? I want Atto and Ammë." Itarildë wrapped her
arms around Artanis' neck, and her elder cousin carried her
through the still night resolutely, rocking the little one to calm

She had lost her ammë not long after that, Idril reflected, as she walked the gem-strewn shore of Alqualonde. Her gown’s hem soaked in the ocean as it lapped at her, but she heeded it not, merely pacing and pondering. She barely remembered the Darkening, or the Two Trees at all – clinging to Artanis, Galadriel, was one of her earliest memories.

And now she was back, walking the same shores her atto’s cousins had bloodstained all those long-years ago, free to look East for the first time. Her son and his wife, she had been told, had been made free of Valinor (when they chose to travel), while she and Tuor were sequestered at the Ekkaia, looking West and wondering.
They had not been prisoners, exactly, and nor were they Nienna’s thralls, for she did not hold with thraldom. She simply did not wish Tuor to be…a curiosity, it seemed. Nienna’s realm was comfortable, if confining, but Tuor did not age there, and Idril found herself, today, free to walk, and think. Why today?

She got her answer when a ship out of the East was hailed.

Speeding for the quay with as much dignity as sea-soaked skirts allowed, she found herself breathlessly waiting to the newcomers - and Tuor was there! Would wonders never cease, along with Earendil, and Elwing…

Her heart leapt. Could it be, at last?

Three Elves proceeded first from the ship to the quay, with some few others in their train. But these ellyn and the elleth accompanying them were lords of the Eldar, with stars of long memory in their eyes. The elleth, golden-haired as she was, drew near. Idril saw the glimmer of silver in her tresses, and she knew.

“Oh, ‘Tani!”

Clasping Galadriel in her arms as Tuor greeted their grandson, Idril wept.

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