Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love by Erulisse

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Fanwork Notes

Tolkien provided the sand box all I am doing is playing with the bucket and shovel he provided. No profit - intended or not - is made from this work. 

Fanwork Information


I made an original artwork from charcoal and pastels for 2014's B2MeM. It was entitled "Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love". Now, three years later, I have developed the story behind that picture. Here's the full effort - Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love in illustration and text. 

Major Characters: Fëanor

Major Relationships:

Genre: Romance

Challenges: Strength and Beauty

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 479
Posted on 9 April 2017 Updated on 9 April 2017

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

Feanor Never Planned to Fall in Love by Erulisse

I had not planned to fall in love.


When I left home, my only intention was to get away from Tirion and my father. Well, maybe that's not totally true; I didn't want to escape from my father. Of all the people in the fair city, my father is the only one I love.


I wanted to get away from Tirion because I was finding it smothering to wander the streets without any anonymity, sympathetic glances still pinning my back as I passed through the crowded streets. But even more than that, I wanted to get away from my stepmother and her children - two younger stepbrothers, one stepsister and one still in the womb.


I miss my father every day. The rest of them can all go to Mandos and join my mother, for all I care. Insipid idiots, all.


I stand here in the shadows of the back entrance to the forge, watching her manipulate the metal and forge the blade; folding, hammering, heating, hammering, then folding yet again. Repeat and repeat and repeat. She is competent, intelligent, and strong in both body and mind. If there is ever an elleth I’ve met who could stand up to my stepmother and kill her through kindness, it is this smith, this artist with metal - this Nerdanel.


Through Blending upon Blending in fair Tirion, I danced the appropriate steps in interchanges of word, wit, and music with hundreds of eligible brides. To be honest, I can’t remember more than a handful of their names or images by now, yet each of them aspired to become my wife, bear my children, and carry my name.


Now I work to gain the attention of this single elleth, only - this Nerdanel. I make nails and horseshoes to meet her exacting specifications. I work the bellows and make ornamental hooks for entryways and sleeping chambers. While I hammer on my own anvil, I watch her every move. She works here, in her father’s forge, or in her own workshop where she sculpts large blocks of stone chip by small chip. She has patience, this elleth - this Nerdanel. The beauty she creates from smelted metals and hardened stone catches my breath and my imagination, but if she notices me at all, it is only in passing - after all, I am only an apprentice but she is a Master.


I strive to make her notice me by exceeding her expectations. I find myself breathing in rhythm with her breaths while we share the forge, and I dream of her every night when we part. Quite suddenly one single and unique elleth has captured my soul.


I had not planned to fall in love, yet it seems that I have. Now I must work to prove myself worthy of her attentions and affection.


Chapter End Notes

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I have a huge soft spot for these two, and I love how you wrote the beginning of their relationship. Very often, it seems to be suggested that Nerdanel should feel so lucky that she was chosen by Feanor (sooo pretty! sooo brilliant! and royalty, too!), so it is very exciting to actually see her depicted as very much his equal in skill and strength and intelligence, and even as his superior in experience and in her position as a master craftswoman. Very nice! And lovely artwork, too. I love how absorbed Nerdanel looks in her craft, and how Feanor is hovering in the background, all awkward fascination!

I love that you did the picture first and then followed up with the story that goes with it! (And that it's Fëanor and Nerdanel... and that Nerdanel is the master when Fëanor is only an apprentice.)