And She Slept by LadyBrooke
Fanwork Notes
Posted as part of the Silmarillion40 compilation.
Fanwork Information
Summary: As Valinor is created, there are those who stay behind in the darkness to wait for those that come. Major Characters: Tom Bombadil Major Relationships: Genre: Experimental Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 465 |
Posted on 16 September 2017 | Updated on 16 September 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
And She Slept
Read And She Slept
“River-woman, awaken and give me your answer!” He stood on the side of the river, clad in blue boots and a style of hat that would not be seen on another for several ages, and flicked a rock through the ice.
A face appeared in the cracked ice, reflecting on shards until it filled the entire river. “You must ask a question first to be given an answer, Eldest.”
He laughed. “May I share your lands, River-woman, or shall you send me on my way to seek other lands?”
“These lands are filled with ice and darkness. Why do you not venture forth with the others to their green lands?” She blinked slowly, cracks appearing further in the ice as she spoke.
“These lands will be green again, when you are awake and new beings have come to take their places in time,” he said. “They seek to make a land that is evergreen and free of darkness.”
“And why do you not seek such a land?” As she spoke, a fox crept out of the darkness and sat at the water’s edge, carefully lapping away at the water. She curled in the water so the ice swept further away from the fox.
“I was in these lands before the light of the stars ever touched them, and I will remain if they disappear and plunge these lands back into darkness and all becomes lifeless,” he answered, as the fox scurried back into the trees and the deathless were all that remained. “Darkness will not be my end.”
“And yet you say these lands will become green again, so you must not expect to remain in darkness forever, Eldest.” The river edges began to ice back over, and she stared at him from one set of eyes.
“All those that will be shall pass through these lands,” he said, staring into the trees as images appeared in the River-woman’s mind of Elves passing through on journeys West and journeys East, armies of Men facing armies of Orcs, the lives of those living as ice and flame destroyed lands, and the lives of those living as green fields grew. “And the works of those that dwell in distant islands will be important, but so will the works of those that stay behind.”
“And you will stay to guide them?” she asked, lifting her face from the water to meet his eyes.
“I will stay to help those who dwell in these lands,” he answered.
She smiled and relaxed backwards into the water. “You may stay in these lands, as long as you let me resume my sleep.”
He laughed, and the bats of Melkor flew away. “Sleep, River-woman, until the cold retreats and your river thaws. Then awaken to meet our new visitors.”
And she slept.
(1) Comment by hennethgalad for And She Slept
ooh... i was feeling all warmed by the way she melted the ice for the fox, and then you mentioned her other set(s) of eyes and i got such a jolt ! i shake my digital fist at you !
yeah, that sounds pretty convincing. sold !
Re: (1) Comment by hennethgalad for And She Slept
Lol, thank you! I'm glad it was pretty convincing. I feel like the Valar would be pretending to be elf like already, but there has to be some beings before any elves/humans/etc are there that would just be all "You know what? Until they're here, I'm doing what I want, even if that's living in a stream and having sets of eyes reflecting everywhere from ice".
(2) Comment by Himring for And She Slept
Interesting conversation between those two, Brooke!
I like that Tom is polite to her.
And I really like your description of the Riverwoman, both the fox and the scarier parts.
Re: (2) Comment by Himring for And She Slept
Thank you, Himring!
Tom and her are friends, of a sort - and even if they weren't, Tom respects her.
I'm glad you like both the fox and the scarier parts of her - she is basically the personfication of a river, so she should be both helpful and capable of ultimate destruction. :P
(3) Comment by Robinka for And She Slept
Excellent contribution! Thank you :)
Re: (3) Comment by Robinka for And She Slept
Thank you! :D
(4) Comment by Hrymfaxe for And She Slept
This was lovely and eerie and supernatural - just how I like stories! Thanks you!
Re: (4) Comment by Hrymfaxe for And She Slept
Thank you! :D I'm glad it's just how you like stories!
(5) Comment by Huinare for And She Slept
I had to reset my password just to comment on this, as I've been out of the loop a long time and couldn't remmber it... I love this story, Brooke! Great to see an interaction between Bombadil and the River Woman. The icy conditions, and how a river spirit would interface with ice, are beautifully painted. I also like the image of Bombadil as attached to the land, almost as though it's an extension of himself (or he of it), that's always how I've pictured him. Well done!
Re: (5) Comment by Huinare for And She Slept
Thank you, Huin! I can sympathize with forgetting passwords - I feel like I end up resetting one every few months, because I'm out of the loop and forget. I'm glad Bombadil is how you've always pictured him, and that you like how the River-woman is portrayed as a river spirit interfacing with ice.
(6) Comment by Independence1776 for And She Slept
I really liked this!
Re: (6) Comment by Independence1776 for And She Slept
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!