Gone For Soldiers by Alquien
Fanwork Notes
A very special thank-you to Dawn F. for emergency beta work.
Originally posted as part of the Silmarillion40 event.
Fanwork Information
Summary: A late night meeting between cousins just before the Last Alliance. Major Characters: Gil-galad, Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 798 |
Posted on 22 October 2017 | Updated on 22 October 2017 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Gone For Soldiers
Read Gone For Soldiers
It had been an exhausting day. For several months Gil-galad had been trying to convince Oropher to join his alliance, negotiations that were prolonged by Oropher’s deep-rooted dislike of Men. But finally Oropher did agree, realizing its importance. Both Oropher and Elendil would arrive in a week, bearing any maps and scrolls that might prove helpful in their plans.
Gil-galad sighed and rubbed his forehead as he entered his private study, noting that the fire had been already laid. His big dog Roch was curled on the rug and raised his head and thumped his tail, waiting for a treat.
Oropher likes few people as it is, Gil thought as he poured himself a glass of chilled wine, but there are times when I think he dislikes Noldor almost more than he dislikes Men. He walked over to his favorite armchair, finally stretched his legs out beside the warm fire, and tossed Roch a couple of biscuits. Roch crunched them neatly and all was quiet except for the soft crackle of the fire. Gil-galad had nearly fallen asleep when Roch raised his head and looked toward the balcony. Since the windows were kept unlocked, Gil rose and pushed them slightly ajar. Then he sat down again and waited.
A few minutes later, a thin bedraggled shadow slipped inside and reclosed the open windows.
“I’ve been expecting you, cousin,” Gil said in a hard voice. “Sit, and help yourself to a glass.”
“What is this? You have no kiss of greeting for your uncle?” said Maglor in a mocking tone as he pushed the hood of his cloak back.
“Father was the one who insisted I call your elder brother ‘uncle’,” Gil managed to say in a level tone. “You are fortunate I call you ‘cousin’.”
“As you wish then.” Maglor set the wine bottle back in the ice and carried his glass over to a side table, sitting in the chair opposite the Noldorin king. “So, what news?”
“Oropher has agreed to join me,” Gil said with a sigh. “I hope that this Alliance will have some success where others did not.”
“Success is always possible,” Maglor replied after several moments of silence, but still hearing the unspoken words where others failed. “But it will be difficult, at best. Expect to spend large amounts of money, men and material – and most of all, time.”
“Thank you for your brilliant insight,” Gil said acidly.
Maglor did not rise to the bait. He merely sighed and closed his eyes in pain. At last, Gil-galad was the one who broke the silence.
“Have you spoken to Elrond yet?”
“No, and I do not intend to either. I would be a distraction and he needs to focus on what is coming.”
“Do you know what is coming then? I did not realize you had the gift of Farsight. Or will it be a new addition to your epic?”
Only if it is in my music, Maglor thought tiredly but did not say so. “I do not have that gift.”
“What did you come here for then?” Gil-galad asked.
“I am hoping you will accept some of the notes and maps I have sketched during my wanderings. Perhaps they may be of some use to you.”
“I thank you.” The High King sighed tiredly as he rubbed his forehead once more. The largest research room had been prepared by Erestor for the study of maps and any other scrolls; here, the majority of planning and logistics would take place.“I will study them later.”
“You are welcome.” Maglor inclined his head briefly and stretched. “I must leave soon. I need to replenish my supplies before returning south.”
“Would you mind telling me why you are traveling south again?”
“It may prove important,” Maglor said at last. “Or not. Is there anything else?”
“You know that I intend to make Elrond my heir?”
“Yes,” Maglor gritted out. “I do not think it wise though.”
“He is my nearest kinsman,” Gil-galad said as he stared into the fire, as Maglor refilled their glasses. “He is almost my nephew.”
“I admit that I was curious when you didn’t marry Elwing,” Maglor said as he sipped at the wine.
“She was as a sister to me,” Gil replied at last. “But there was another…” He left the remaining words wither away.
“Ah,” Maglor said but it seemed their conversation was at an end.
The fire burned to embers and Roch snored lightly as they finished the last of the wine.
“I must go now, your grace, before the house wakens.” Maglor stood and bowed before disappearing through the window.
Gil-galad watched him leave before dousing the fire and retiring to his rooms. The next weeks would be long and he could only hope they met with success.
(1) Comment by hennethgalad for Gone For Soldiers
gorgeous vignette, really easy to see them by the fire with the dog and the wine, the calm before the storm...
but why doesn't Maglor think Elrond would be any good ? i don’t remember anything bad about Elrond, apart from being a bit Noldor, but then he's a total mongrel...
yes, i bet Maglor would have kept an eye on things, especially after Eregion... aargh...
good one, nice work :)
Re: (1) Comment by hennethgalad for Gone For Soldiers
It's not that Maglor thinks Elrond wouldn't be any good; rather, he firmly belives that the murder of his grandfather cursed the kingship itself and he hoped that Elrond could remain free of any lingering problems connected to it. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
(2) Comment by Alquien for Gone For Soldiers
It's not that Maglor thinks Elrond wouldn't be any good; rather, he firmly belives that the murder of his grandfather cursed the kingship itself and he hoped that Elrond could remain free of any lingering problems connected to it.
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
(3) Comment by Himring for Gone For Soldiers
An interesting meeting, with all that tension in the air!
Maglor would certainly be in a good position to provide maps, after all his wanderings, and it seems he has further, unrevealed plans as well.
I liked Gil-galad's dog.
Re: (3) Comment by Himring for Gone For Soldiers
Some meetings are a lot more interesting than others. Maglor is in a very good position to gather intelligence as well as sketch maps since many people consider him to be 'mad' (as in 'crazy') in addition to being known as a bard. Despite everything that's happened, he still has a good deal of power and superstition working for him.
I'm very glad you like Gil-galad's dog. Roch is a favorite of mine.
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
(4) Comment by oshun for Gone For Soldiers
Beautiful language and elegantly constructed. I really enjoyed reading it. I love the layers of history and characterization that you have woven into this short piece--perfect way to use a short-form format to write a much bigger story!
Re: (4) Comment by oshun for Gone For Soldiers
I am very pleased that you enjoyed reading this. Thank you for your kind words.
(5) Comment by oshun for Gone For Soldiers
Adore the title by the way--the old folk song "Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier" is now an earwing for me today! Thanks, I guess!!--fortunately I love the song.
Re: (5) Comment by oshun for Gone For Soldiers
I'm pleased that the song worked for you as well. Thank you for your review.
(6) Comment by Keiliss for Gone For Soldiers
I like little moments in time. Of course Gil-galad would have a dog, he is a dog person in my world. And I'd be interested in Maglor's doubts about Elrond, though I imagine it has a lot to do with knowing how hard it would be to herd all the cats after the final battle. More affection than criticism there.
Where have all the flowers gone.... yes indeed.
Re: (6) Comment by Keiliss for Gone For Soldiers
It's not that Maglor has any doubts about Elrond as a leader or in his abilities; he just firmly believes (and with good reason) that the murder of his grandfather cursed the kingship itself. Maglor was hoping that Elrond could remain free of any lingering problems that might remain connected to it. And, as you say, the whole herding cats issue after the final battle... Thank you so much for reading and reviewing.
(7) Comment by Independence1776 for Gone For Soldiers
I love the tense relationship they have, neither one comfortable but there's enough to work with for some common purpose. Well done!